
Responses from jwei

An audio component you just can't let go
Maybe I should stop hanging on to the past and just let go. Dual 1019 changer -- it seemed a marvel of design and fabrication for its time. Magnum Dynalab Etude FT101a tuner -- 3 meters and a digital display, sexy! Nakamichi Dragon cassette dec... 
What exactly is PRaT???
@stuartk  Actually no.  I did not try to listen to equipment touted specifically for good PRaT. I had little real curiosity for what I felt was just another marketing term.  
What exactly is PRaT???
Still prattling on about PRaT??! When I first read about music reproduced with good pace, rhythm, and timing, I assumed the system had elevated midbass and treble to emphasize drums, cymbals, etc. and an uncompressed dynamic range.  
Mark Knopfler & James Taylor
Eagles -- Take It Easy James Taylor & JD Souther -- Her Town Too CCR -- Born on the Bayou Simon & Garfunkel -- The Boxer Stevie Wonder -- Living for the City  
Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955
I agree 15 amps is not a whole lot for high end systems.  Better to feed your rack from more than one circuit, if possible. I wanted to have a third pin actually grounded where the outlet's third pin was not connected.  Got an electrician who ran... 
Tony Bennett has passed away.
RIP Tony.  The gentle man with the lovely smooth voice.  
JD Souther has passed away
RIP JD.  You were special, one of the greats.  
Soundtracks and Film scores, your favourites
Heavy Metal soundtrack, especially All of You by Don Felder The Graduate soundtrack, especially Mrs. Robinson by Simon and Garfunkel Casino Royale soundtrack, especially Look of Love by Dusty Springfield Top Gun soundtrack, especially Danger Zo... 
I can't remember the name of this Dealer / Company
Yes, sounds like Gingko Audio with Vinh Vu.  Great guy.  Did a custom dust cover for my VPI TNT HRX.  Used to be a member @vtvu. https://www.ginkgoaudio.com/  
Fleetwood Deville vs Wilson Sound
Does anybody have info about the return of the WATT/Puppy?  
Andrew Singer Of "Sound by Singer" passed away yesterday
Andy!  Knowledgeable and a real personality.  Sold me my first high end cable -- Cardas Golden Cross phono interconnect.  RIP!  
Should Amps be plugged into a power conditioner?
The amp's class of operation could be a factor, e.g., class A, AB, or D.  Any knowledgeable opinions?  
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
This was the kind of review that got Stereophile started (by JGH) -- "This and the higher-powered P-L 700 have a sound that is characteristically their own: A rather fat, rich quality that one normally associates with good solid-state units of co... 
Bryston amp, pop sound at power down.
I have 3 Bryston 7B ST's and all three give off a pop/crackle at power down, whether turned off at the pushbutton or due to loss of AC feed.  Since it is the same for all three, I guess it is normal. While a bit disturbing, the sounds are not lou... 
full range or mini's and a sub
I agree with full range plus subs.  Works for my av system, tho I get by with just a good full range system in my music room.