Responses from justmetoo
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby? Lucky enough, not too costly as both items pre-owned.— Transparent Digital Reference and — Transparent XLR Ultra Music Link. Both cables don't live up to promise, despite their rather elaborate constructions. SAD. M. 🇿🇦 | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? 10-11-2020 7:22pm@jayctoy Is that Manuel de Falla, or Falls, the folk rock duo from Australia?"The Three Cornered Hat" ballet music is obviously by M. Falla 😉a - > s being a typical typo, eh.M. 🇿🇦 | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? EMI Classis, Karajan with the Berliner Philharmoniker. SIBELIUSFinlandia, En Saga, Tapiola, Valse triste, plus Karelia Suite, and The Swan if Tuonela. By inspiration of: @bkeske 😉M. 🇿🇦 | |
What's your favorite boutique speaker maker Burmester, followed by Canton and ELAC.M. 🇿🇦 | |
The weakest link on ML39/390S type CD transport Correction, I mentioned silicon-oil, sorry, I'm ignorant of teflon-oil. So I'll have to investigate this stuff. As for a top-loader, when you look up my system, you'll see there is too little place/space to use one. M. 🇿🇦 | |
The weakest link on ML39/390S type CD transport Update, I have my dealer contact Harman to find out if they still have this spare part. That thing is smaller and lighter than a postage stamp. Most probably costing a small fortune - if they still have it...Somehow I do find this disturbing, buil... | |
Is Anyone Else Not Being Able to Stay Logged in? Oh, not zu beleef, sis is a wery amoozing sread, ja? I hav a lot of schpas it zu read. An im fery stolz of my fery gut schpelling, ja. Weiter machen, M. 🇩🇪 PS: I can read it just fine, not sure about you'll 🤔 | |
How much overhang is ok between a speaker base and the stand top plate? Getting technical, you may want to read a female treatise on the subject as your question does involve a "Parallelogram of forces". However, you’d have to determine the centre of gravity of your particular speakers and THAT, when standing on the s... | |
Is easy to know when a non english speaker is writting? Well, in my experience, English is not quite the - common- language shared by many other than American English speakers.There is the different spelling of numerous words in American English, secondly, in my learning, American English seems to have... | |
Is Anyone Else Not Being Able to Stay Logged in? Just now got chucked out after posting. Post got wiped out. Message: "SORRY SOMETHING WENT WRONG..." 😝 😏 Kind of annoying after typing diligently your feedback,eh?M. | |
Help with TT ideas for my first TT Well, I have heard the Marantz, alas none of the other tts mentioned. In comparing the Marantz to my SME 10 A (using SME V tonearm) I could only be positive surprised i.e. there was hardly, if any, performance difference for me to discern. (Look u... | |
Where has been your most effective placement for an aftermarket fuse? @testpilot This is getting close, since I never, for the last 15 years, had the need for any equipment fuses, aftermarket or otherwise. Must be ever so 🍀? My PassLabs power-amp uses a circuit breaker, and all my other equipment uses some electroni... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? @uberwaltzThanks for the clarification on no LP for "Some Things Never Change" Supertramp. Was it that analogue would not have been able to handle the dynamics?!?... 🤔 Yes, HDCD hardly ever seems mentioned in this hi-res, streaming, 'new age' - an... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Supertramp "Some Things Never Change" HDCD. Loads of kick-arse bass drum work, kind of out classing Led Zep. Has this one ever been done in LP format? This definately outclasses my analogue rig in terms of dynamics - and then some!But no problem, ... | |
What has been your costliest mistake in this hobby? Going through loads of mid-fi equipment in the vain hope to find, by sheer ’magic’, some satisfying sound quality. Didn’t. ’Außer Spesen, nichts gewesen’... Maybe the learning exercise was of *some* value. The sound quality was just NOT getting th... |