Responses from justmetoo
Levinson No 39 fussy about cds I had that new laser installed here in SA, by a now freelance techie who was the Madrigal service technician at the local distributor in Johannesburg. They also did my 39 to 390S upgrade back in 2001 / 2.Those where the days! ;-/Surely not much he... | |
1st Album you Ever Owned? Osibisa 'The Dawn' ... "Criss, cross ridims dad explode with happiness" :-)M. 🇿🇦 | |
What's your favorite boutique speaker maker Has anyone mentioned Burmester e.g. the B100... ? Pretty boutique still now, even in Germany. M. 🇿🇦 | |
New AT cartridge thoughts/question I have similar to say about my AT440ML. Initially it was just too bright, highly resolving - but also too etched for my longer term listening. Now by some 'magic' switching it back in after some quite time of a long hiatus, it sounds just right.On... | |
Levinson No 39 fussy about cds Yes, I do have a ML390S which was upgraded from a ML39, so the transport was not changed, not part of the upgrade i.e. still the original ML39.The unit I'd purched in 1996, and lo and behold it started to play up as YOU, OP described.So what was w... | |
Sean Connery has passed away :-( Oh yes, William of Baskerville in "The Name of the Rose".Will I ever forget that line, walking up to that monestary with his squire, the kitchen rubbish thrown down the side of the hill,... the unwashed poor scrambling to pick through it: "Another... | |
Stylus stuck in groove I'm sort of hesitant to post this, but having mostly 'pre-loved or -hated' LPs, the only way to get them listenable is by the "cold glue method" (can Google it too), this followed by the quite primitive 'Spin Clean' and using their fluid, just to ... | |
Which Amplifier for Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Speaker I have to agree with George’s take on that issue. A friend if mine has no satisfaction, what ever he tried, driving Olympica III with a 450 watt McIntosh MC452, specifically regarding the bass performance. This by trying all the different taps ava... | |
Do you use a Subwoofer when listening to stereo? The quick answer: No, I don't - its why I don't have one sub in the first place. Why? 1. Due to very favourable room conditions, my floors standers going down to quoted 35Hz are just fine as they already 'borderline', at times, tend overload the v... | |
What's the best and/or favorite piece of equipment you've owned? And do you still own it? IMO, once you achieved a very high level of synergy (including your ears/brain) it's VERY difficult, maybe impossible, to pick one single item in one's setup. How tricky is it, to chose between Burmester speakers, Levinson CD, DAC, preamp and Pass... | |
High end stereo preamps? Worth it? Surely its not just more components adding more ’noise’ - its a question of WHICH sort of components and WHICH sort of circuit implementation, no?Maybe a drastic example of my own, a run of the mill mid/low-fi Rotel preamp I’d replaced by a Leviso... | |
Still confused about clipping after reading all the articles. @rodman99999Thank you for those very informative articles, they explain a lot in deed.They ought to add more depth of information on the OP enquiry, to what already has been said. Particularly the second link I found most informative and hope so w... | |
Still confused about clipping after reading all the articles. Now how about the difference of 'soft clipping' as an amp design feature, compared to 'hard clipping'? M. 🇿🇦 | |
Have you changed your mind about a brand? Was it you, or them? Ok, being of German descent Lager beer is where its at for myself. Windhook Lager is just jolly fine too - and of course all brewed to "German Reinheitsgebot" i.e. no 🌽 Mais, rice 🍚 , or any other unspeakable stuff added to replace barley malts. A... | |
Own many mid-game speakers or a few end-game speakers. All tweeked out "Burmester 961"s floor standers.Every time my front-end improves, e.g. amp bias readjustment, cable differences, x-over Mundorf bypass caps, pair selected new carbon AUDAX 5½" midrange drivers..., they do play along and show the di... |