
Responses from jumia

Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
That goes against the grain of humanity. Utopia is what it is you describe and that simply is taboo For whatever reason, evil challenges efforts to explain things so they are understood. Genius is the ability to explain things so they can be unde... 
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
sns, thank you again for your answer. OK so 2 ethernet ports is what you use. I guess my problem is, a server generally only has one Ethernet port. My nucleus has only a Single ethernet port. What do you physically connect your ethernet cables t... 
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
Thank you, although still unclear how are you have cured bidirectional Ethernet connection with a server.  Unfortunately isn't two way communication integral to the process? A router without Wi-Fi means you should be using a switch if needed.  No... 
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
Seems router that does optical output would be ideal and why would this not be a great ?   
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
This is the description from the Sonore website: it is pretty darn confusing for those of us with lower IQs.   Sonore opticalRendu project is an extension of the microRendu and ultraRendu projects that came before it. The design is inspired by au... 
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
So it's a streamer and yet it didn't say this when I was trying to figure out what it was.   
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
Yyzsantabarbara What the heck does a opticalrendu do? Very confusing  
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
Who is small green computer? Kind of a curious company that relies heavily on etherregen.   
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
Seems the etherregen is a glorified fiber media converter, which may do a really good job but it's extremely expensive when only used as a fiber media converter Once you use ER as a fmc you can't really use the remaining ethernet ports because i... 
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
The giga foil filter is about $600.  Isn't a quality switch accomplishing the same thing in a broader more effective way. Giga foil sounds interesting but you can't place it before switch because the switch only introduces lots of noise unless it'... 
Nucleus, is there a better alternative?
Mr. small green computer, Why does the etherregen run so hot? It makes no sense at all. I have huge amps and some with tubes and they don't run nearly as hot as this thing does. It seems rather dangerous to have a specifications let's say it's a... 
Nucleus, is there a better alternative?
Network switches seem to be a great source for creating lots of noise. So do the network switches limit the noise being created? A network switch is like an orgy of traffic because of all the Sharing of netwerk that goes on  
FMC fiber media converter, why a power connection for this?
The power supply is from the UK don't work in the US. If available from the US how much is it.?  
Nucleus, is there a better alternative?
Is the optical connection better than ethernet and will eliminate noise?  I like the converter option and wonder what converters, ie. Fmc, are better. They seem pretty cheap.   I did notice that fmc require a power connection so this means more ... 
Sound quality stranger Things on Netflix
 I'm really happy with Netflix sound quality for many of their programs but for strange things it's really bad. Personally I don't think this season is looking too good after seeing three shows. And I hear there's gonna be another seas… Maybe it...