Responses from jsd52756
Drying sand in the oven- anyone try it? Try steel shot. It is used for shot peening metals for surface treatment. Dry, heavy and works wonders. There are several different sizes also. You will need to contact someone in your area who stocks media for sand/glass blasting equipment. | |
Krell KCT switches to standby mode Surfing around I found this thread. I have a Krell KRC2. If there is a lot of static electricity around & I touch the pre it will go into stand by. It actually sends the unit into "mute" and turns off any source selected. I just need to select... | |
What's your favorite lyric from a song? "My God is not the kind you have to wind up on Sunday"Ian Anderson (Tull) | |
How many audiophiles to screw in a light bulb? 136 to tell us that the bulb (solid state)is too bright & they are going back to candles (tubes). | |
infinity renaissance 90-what amp to use? I had mine originally powered with a Yamaha MX1 and it worked pretty good. Problem was it just couldn't quite keep up with them when cranked. I replaced it with a Krell 300cx and now things are happening big time. The Krell brings out the bass and... | |
Load ohm settings for cartridges My Krell pre has settings for 58, 64, 70 & 76db. So I am happening as far as that goes. I currently have it set at the lowest since my current cartridge has high output. I will mess around with the Ohm settings as you folks suggested. Sounds l... | |
Krell Service Impecable service & service personal to say the least. I also had a KSA200-S go out twice and FED-X ended up smashing the unit to gravel on the way back to Calif. Krell bent over backwards & I ended up buying a new FPB300cx which was mostl... | |
MC or MM? RE: DOPOGOEYou're not kidding about Grado's nomenclature being confusing.I called them yesterday to see if they would clear up the descriptions for me and it helped somewhat.Names like: Statement series Reference & Master,Reference Series, Ref... | |
Lehman Black cube setting with Grado Platinum Thanks alot for your input. I am using a Technics SL1210 turntable with the stock arm. Some people think these are "scratchers" turntables but I am happy with the unit. My last JVC with an SME tonearm took a dump a couple of years ago. I can barel... |