Responses from jsbach1685
CD player options with Krell integrated & Vandy 2C Btw, has anyone ever heard of the Krell CD-1? If so, is it any good? How does it compare with the other aforementioned krell players? | |
CD player options with Krell integrated & Vandy 2C Thanks guys! I’m gonna check out the krell dvd standard that’s in my area. Also, a buddy of mine has an oppo 95 he is gonna let me demo with the krell to see how I like it. | |
CD player options with Krell integrated & Vandy 2C Hi Naimfan,I’ve thought about that. There’s a Krell DVD Standard somewhat close to me that I can pick up for $500. I’ve read It’s nice sounding unit for CD playback. It also has XLR’s which is Krell’s recommended type of connection. The matching c... | |
Cable choices for Cairn, Naim & Vandersteen 2m length for speaker cables | |
REVIEW: Mccormack UDP-1 Deluxe I was always curious about this player too. Anyone ever compare one to a Naim cd player? I'm currently using a CD5x. | |
Poll: Naim owners, what cabling are you using? DIN? RCA? NACA5? Other? Hi again chayro, Which Flatcap is the matching one for the CD5x: Flatcap 2 or Flatcap 2x? Also, what about a flatcap on the XS integrated? However, from what you're saying, I get the impression the bigger improvement comes from adding the flatcap... | |
Poll: Naim owners, what cabling are you using? DIN? RCA? NACA5? Other? Wow chayro, you weren’t kidding. I guess it’s off to the Naim Forum...I’ve heard the hi line din is really good. And yes, the plan is to go with flatcaps someday. | |
Naim Nait Integrateds... Sound Quality Comparison, User Comments and Bang for the Buck The XS is on the way... | |
Naim Nait Integrateds... Sound Quality Comparison, User Comments and Bang for the Buck mr_m & viridian,I agree with both of you on parts of your comments. Yes, I have 2C’s. Depending on what gear and cabling you use, they can sound rounded on the frequency extremes. Case in point: When I mentioned in my initial post of using a N... | |
Naim Nait Integrateds... Sound Quality Comparison, User Comments and Bang for the Buck What would be the problem with pairing Vandersteen with Naim? Respectfully. I'm curious about that too? Viridian? | |
Naim Nait Integrateds... Sound Quality Comparison, User Comments and Bang for the Buck Hi viridian,Thank you so much for the detailed info! And yes, I see my typo regarding the 5i-2... I meant to write (italic) instead. I didn't realize there were 60wpc XS and XS-2's. I thought all XS-2's are the 70wpc version. | |
Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C Hi Guys, Thanks for the additional feedback. STANDS:There are stands on the 2C's, but yes, I need to plan a drive out to Audio Connection in NJ and pick these up once. I'm in Harrisburg, PA, so it's a journey, but not cross-country travel. I do wa... | |
Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C Audioconnection,Hey John, not I didn’t get them yet. I still think about them too! I wish the sand was out of them so shipping wouldn’t be insane! Speaking of gear, I’m thinking of trying a Simaudio i5 integrated. Curious how that would sound with... | |
Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C Thanks stevecham for the response. :-) 2psyop and akg_ca, and to anyone else who feels the need...Basically, the best sounding system (to MY ears and regardless of cost) I ever had on the Vandy 2C's in my room was a Creek 4330SE with a Naim CD3.5... | |
Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C Yup, always on it... |