
Responses from jsbach1685

Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.
McCormack and Vandersteen are a great match, enjoy! Yes, I've seen this statement many times in my research/readings. Now that I have the power/pre set up, next is to make sure I'm using the right sounding cables. I'm currently using Mogami W30... 
Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.
Update: Ended up spending a little more and bought an audio friend's McCormack Micro power amp and matching Micro preamp. Sound is awesome. I had tried the Kenwood KR-8050, which sounded really good too (although a little flat) but nothing like th... 
Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.
Any thoughts on the Yamaha A-S1000?  Looks like there is someone selling one "local" to me... in Virginia.  From my initial reading on Yamaha's website, the 1000 is a considerable leap from the A-S500? 
Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.
helomech, Interesting comments regarding the Yammy... 🤔jafant,yeah, you may be right about that.I found a yammy dealer somewhat near me who sells the A-S series. Gonna give them a call and inquire about a demo. Also, a local audio buddy of mine (w... 
Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.
Update:Have been running the Brio-R since last Friday. Sounds good, but seems a little soft. My current cables are Mogami. I swapped them out for a pair of Kimber 4tc (blue) I had stored away. The sound immediately opened up. However, I still do n... 
Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.
What about an Acurus DIA-100?Currently demo-ing a Rega Brio-R.  
Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.
Other than the addition of a DAC, are there any SONIC differences between the Yamaha A-S501 and A-S500?  
Best sounding "budget" integrated amp for Vandersteen 2C.
Thank you all for the great recommendations! I have a lot of options to think about. In my original post, I indicated NAD. But, I had been thinking about the Yamaha A-S models as well... 301, 500, 501, etc. I’m glad there were a lot of responses o... 
70's Receiver and/or Integrated Amp recommendations
Is the Kenwood KR-5030 any good?  There’s one in excellent condition near me for sale for $100. willenj,I was curious about the a Yamaha AS Series integrateds. Marantz’s PM Series is supposed to be nice too.  
70's Receiver and/or Integrated Amp recommendations
Sansui 7900 any good?  
70's Receiver and/or Integrated Amp recommendations
Hi folks...Thanks for all the great suggestions. I've been scanning my local area and have found the following items within a 100 mile radius. Still browsing... Marantz 1060 Marantz 2226BNAD 7240PEKenwood KA-7100Sansui 2000xKenwood KA-7150Marantz ... 
Anyone streaming at 320kbps? If so...
Guess not.... 
Theta Digital Pearl CD Transport Miles Disc Player
Are you selling one or the other (or both)?  Or looking to buy? As for the Miles, I just saw two sell on ebay recently... one for $650, the other for $140!  Both were non-XLR versions. I've had a Miles CDP on  different occasions.  I'd say the ave... 
Best used DAC for $250?
Yes, the Bifrost can be upgraded to a multibit version--and you can add a USB board. I had emailed Schiit regarding sound quality differences between the Modi Multibit and Bifrost non-multibit version. They did not give me a specific answer, but I... 
Best used DAC for $250?
Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. Out of all the recommendations, the Schiit Modi Multibit was mentioned several times. I emailed Schitt and they said confirmed too my iPad will direct-connect into the USB--so long as you use the Apple Came...