Responses from jriggy
Puritan PSM156 @twinski66 if this unit is new —and if the power cord being used (Puritan Ultimate?) is also new— PLEASE give the unit or the pairing at least 10 days of on time before deciding… But I do agree with you, that this device may be system dependent, a... | |
High End CD Player / Transport - BLUE Anodized Chassis? - 2000's? - unsolved mystery? I had an HHB CDR850 pro CD-R recorder that was purple in color. | |
Bricasti M3 vrs Meitner MA3 I owned the M3 and recently demoed the MA3. The MA3 is a touch more delicate, refined and organic. But the M3 may have a touch more drive to the music. | |
Bricasti Model 1 Series II DAC @docroasty I owned the Bricasti M3 a year or so ago. And I demoed the Meitner MA3 recently. The Meitner is a very fine DAC. It is very smooth and was to much of a good thing in my system, with my Harbeth 40.2. I needed something with a little more... | |
Puritan PSM156 @bluethinker in my system the Ultimate Power Cable was a must. There is a level of noise/grunge that disappears when going from Classic to Ultimate PC. I was talking to a dealer just yesterday about Inakustik PCs and in comparing the $2800 Inakus... | |
Luxman vs Accuphase for Harbeth 40.3 XD About 10 years ago, I had an e560 paired with Daedalus speaker (organic and natural with a slight warmth, like Harbeth…but much more dynamic). I was warned about a coloration in the highs of Accuphase —and read it in an old review too (the reviewe... | |
Luxman D03X vs D10X @rman9 sorry to go off topic a bit but going from your statement of recently choosing the T+A DAC200 over the Mola Mola Tambaqui, could you go into any details about that decision? Those are two DACs that have risen to the top of my list. What wer... | |
Schiit URD CD Transport SOON? @fastcat95 ah ok. But IMO the solid aluminum block and carbon fiber housing of the Pro 8 drive, as used in the RS2T or the $30k Gryphon Transport, is the significant factor. But obviously costs more for that performance. But the basic Pro 8 drive ... | |
Guttenberg reviews Volti Razz @audioman58 and one of them is Steve Guttenberg. He said so himself. Steve actually stated recently-ish that if a product he has would be getting a bad review from him, he opts to send the unit back to manufacturer and skips doing a review. His st... | |
Schiit URD CD Transport SOON? It may be of note that there are a couple levels of StreamUnlimited drives. I’m not sure the URD has the top CD Pro 8 mechanism or the servo system. | |
Are Sales Down @jasonbourne71 just use the view count on ads for a portion of hard data. I was just talking about this with a friend who has only had 300 views in a month on an ad for an amp. And was recalling the days when there would be 300 views in a short nu... | |
So you just took a gummie...What song is on the menu? A ‘72 Dark Star or The Other One (was coming in to say this zione ;)) | |
What sonic qualities connects to you deeply and emotionally? Harmonic textures really get me smiling | |
"ENUNCIATE GD IT" George Carlin ALSO Said: "POST LINKS GD IT" I got your original intent, OP and I agree. Links would be great for more possible engagement with a threads inquiries. But a lot of times ‘in the know’ short-hand lingo can be even worse and potentially sends folks right to the back button. | |
Bricasti MDX upgrade Wait… if you already have the MDX board, then the next numerical upgrade is a firmware upgrade. Right? There has not been a second MDX, right? |