
Responses from jriggy

I suddenly have a weird buzz issue; can someone help me solve the problem?
This may or may not be useful… I recently demoed a new preamp. I’ve had a silent system for years and years, with many component changes but the new preamp brought a hum with it like you describe. The culprit ended up being the Puritan 156 or so i... 
Good small/single outlet power conditioner for preamp.
Update: The Furutech tp-609 passive power distribution unit AND the Equi=Core 1800 balanced power conditioner are BOTH hum free!! This confirms some sort of mismatch in power or grounding between the Puritan PSM156 and the Backert Labs Rhythm 1.4... 
Good small/single outlet power conditioner for preamp.
@elliottbnewcombjr yes, the Preamp maker has been very helpful, guiding me through lots of these checks.   
Good small/single outlet power conditioner for preamp.
@elliottbnewcombjr Im not qualified/knowledgeable enough to do that. If I knew more to what you’re referring to, maybe so… but that sounds iffy for me.    Maybe the new/different/unconventional design of the Puritan filtering system does not jive... 
Good small/single outlet power conditioner for preamp.
@gramophone_canada No, there is no noise when just pre and power are connected. Noise comes as soon as a DAC (two, tube or ss here to try) is connected. I am using RCA from pre to power (and DAC to pre). I did use a cheater plug on the DAC and it... 
Good small/single outlet power conditioner for preamp.
@erik_squires nope. Dang it, I had some hope with that one…    Anyone know which power conditioner is considered the competitor to the Puritan 156?? I guess I could always try that one… but I’d have to commit to this preamp first and then pray t... 
Good small/single outlet power conditioner for preamp.
@erik_squires No, not on this deadicated circuit. Just the system: a CD transport and its LTA ps, an AppleTV, an IFi spidif Purifier, DAC, pre and amp.   
Good small/single outlet power conditioner for preamp.
Hi erik. All components are into the Puritan. But now with this new and very nice preamp I’m demoing, there is hum when a source is plugged into the pre. Take the pre straight to the same outlet the Puritan is plugged into and no hum. It’s a weird... 
Specific Node/Airplay question
If you have a ‘nice’ or somewhat ‘complete’ system, I feel  everything still matters. I use an AppleTV to airplay a few SiriusXM channels from iPad. I’ve optimized this little arm of the system with an iFi spdif purifier, an EVP footer and a top w... 
DAC Help : Please Weight In - Down to 5
I own a Lampi Atlantic for years, owned the Termi twice (second version) and demoed the Aqua La Scala… The La Scala and the Lampi have a more organic flow of the music. The La Scala was the highest resolution.   
vibration control - cd player
Be mindful and listen to bass exaggeration, tightness and speed when/if using rubber compounds for vibration control. Some sensitive and transparent systems can show rubber compounds as not always being the best choice. But some systems like that ... 
Ayre QX-5 Twenty
^^ That is one of the weirdest post I’ve ever seen on this site. But looks like lots of bad days in their posting history. Mojo Audio is a fine and known brand around here for many years. Lots of oddness in that one post, even for here.   
Rogue Audio hard to resell, has it fallen out of favor ?
I have a friend that it just took 7months to sell a pretty popular LTA amplifier. Price was set ‘normal’, too. Used sales do also slow down in the winter. Spring and Fall are quicker selling times, in general.   
Ethernet cables
Hey all, I’m going to be demoing a new DAC soon and wanted to get a ‘good or ‘ok’ ethernet cable 100 to 150 feet, to temporarily run from system down the stairs to the basement/router, for the 30day trial.  I will have an electrician do an in-wal... 
Looking for decent DAC with volume control
Playback Designs MPD8 or the MPD6 little brother. Very good vol control.