
Responses from jrd351

Can a Classic Speaker be better ?
thats why they call them classics..the large advent..the epi 100...the allison 1/2/4/cd6...the jbl 100/4311/4312...polk sda's...the ar3...ls3/5's of all varieties..the dahlquist 10..and dare i mention it,the bose 901 
Audiophile 2 channel Receiver?
the magnum dynalab 208 is incredible. 
Epos M12.2 vs. Von Schweikert VR 1 vs. GMA Europas
the amp perhaps..the speakers are fine. 
would you bother?
as carol king said..its too late 
Best lines in a song
from the song'birth,school,work,death'by the godfathers....."i've felt torture, i've felt pain,just like that film with michael caine"....referencing the movie 'the ipcress file' 
A rocking tube amp & speaker combo?
sean is wright(i mean right)....a 35 to 100w push/pull design will drastically improve your sound. 
Beatles - Vinyl LPs
the brand new vinyl releases out of japan are the best yet. 
Mcintosh 2102 or Conrad Johnson 140
they are quite similar....both are tonally accurate, but i don't know what 'fast' is in an amp. 
Old Cd players: CAL ARIA MKIII vs Stax Quattro 2
cal aria 
McIntosh MCD-205 Changer?
the mcd205 is in my opinion the most natural sounding player(let alone changer)at any price.....most who own it stop worrying about comparisons of digial vs analogue and start buying music. 
What are the best speakers for Mahler?
any quality direct/reflecting loudspeaker. 
McIntosh MC352 Vs MC500
for most speakers the 352 is more than enough power to get a dynamic and refined performance...the 500 does make a difference however on a few very power hungry speakers such as ohm 300's or gradient revolutions....most conventional speakers will ... 
Fastest high-current SS amp below $1000 used?
Axis: Bold as Love gripe
hendrix's estate would not grant a license for the stereo mixes. there is a pricey japanese cd in mono, but as you've observed, the sonic charm of 'axis' lies in its unparalled stereo mix. unless universal releases the vinyl in stereo, it probably... 
JBL 4410a a classic or a dust collector?
the pro version of the century 100 was the 4312 which is now available in a mkll version and exported exclusively to asia. they can be found in the u.s. through collectors and they are unbelievably good.