
Responses from jrd351

New Japanese Beatles LPs
new pressings..same masters...oh well 
Tivoli CD player
absolutely...it is better than most at many times the price..a giant killer 
Review: Dali Euphonia MS4 Speaker
well written review, but i found these speakers to be very bright..almost brittle on lots of digital source material. for the price, they are an aquired taste. 
Best CDP under $1000 for Roksan Caspian Amp?
the roksan kandy 
Searching for Fender Rhodes in Jazz or Fusion
cannonball adderley quintet-mercy mercy mercy(live at the club)....one of the greatest of all time. 
Replacing Vandy 2CEs w/ Monitors--Can It Be Done?
vandys sound great in small rooms too. 
rega new tables p5 p7
both tables look ugly compared to the 25. you gotta wonder what they're thinking.....the 9 is now the last beautiful rega table 
Harbeth question: Which speakers to keep?
don't trade in anything...those ls 3/5's and the p3's are destined to be the speakers harbeth will be remembered for.if you get bigger ones,keep those anyway. 
Bands who'se names describe thier sound.
the cramps 
Why is the trend to make separate phono stage
the cost of the materials has actually become far less expensive,because those materials are primarily from china today. i'm not saying the quality of those materials isn't as good, i'm saying a separate phono pre of quality is one of the biggest ... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
tdl,imf,fried,pmc all had it right. 
Why is the trend to make separate phono stage
for over 30 years hi fi manufacturers included a phono section of superior quality in all stereo preamps and integrated amps. they were built to RIAA standards and fundamentally no different than the ones that are sold today which still adhere to ... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
the creation and marketing of loudspeakers that cost more than a new or late model automobile do nothing to improve the hobby, the state of the art, or recorded music(accurate or not). they are built to be cash cows for the manufacturer and have n... 
Why is the trend to make separate phono stage
the cost of not including a phono stage in a preamp saves the manufacturer money, and putting a phono pre in a separate box is a very very lucrative sideline. they win in both cases. a preamp without a built in phonostage is shameful at any retail... 
Best way to upgrade from a MMF9
keep what you've got and enjoy.