Responses from jp1208
Where do you go after a Dynaudio C1 ? You pretty much don't want to go with Vapor Audio after the experience I just went through with them. Flawed 6k speakers along with damged goods and a 7 month wait to boot. | |
Which sub to buy: JL Audio f113 or Velodyne DD18+? Demo'd both side by side and both are great. I went wth two JLf113's and I use an Onkyo TX-NR 906. JL is a little faster and tighter. | |
C7 plug on Cable box or HT receiver I use the PS Audio AC12 with the adapter and the Pangea HDMI off the Direct TV rcvr. Better clarity in sound and video vs. the stock cords. | |
Triode LABS C7 FIGURE 8 POWER-CORD You can also use a figure 8 to IEC adapter and use any cord you want. | |
What speaker cables are most like Speltz cables? Mdrummer, if you ever get the urge to change try the Clear Day cable. I have had all that has been mentioned here and am currently using Clear Day dbl shotguns. I think they are a good step up from what I have used. | |
AKFest, who's going? Csmgolf, all electronics and cabling appear to be on the floor as well in the Cirrus room. From past experience this has never been a good thing. The set up and room may had a lot to do with the speaker not shining the way it has in the past. | |
AKFest, who's going? Did you guys like the vaneer on the Cirrus? It is the same vaneer I ordered.By the pictures I saw, the room looked a little dry to me. I would think the RAAL tweeter would like some descent room treatment or a bigger room with higher ceilings. | |
Speaker cable recommendations please Clear Day is far superior to the anti-cable magnet wire. The first all silver cable that is not hyper or has that metallic haze to them. Very well rounded cable with good depth that all the speaker cables I have tried did not have. Great sound and... | |
Power Cord for Power Conditioner More can hear the differnces than not. I really wish I could not have heard the improvements. That would have saved me a bundle. | |
Two JL F212s verses two Velodyne 18 plus? I have two F113's that fill a 18x30x10 room that opens into a dining room and office/den that is about the same size. I could not imagine needing to add anymore. For example in the movie Monster's Inc when the giant bird crosses the street, it act... | |
Two JL F212s verses two Velodyne 18 plus? Drummermitchell, I thought you went with 3 or 4 of the JL Audio F113's? I personally demoed the JL's and Velo's and came away with 2 F113's. Both are great subs and if anything I just felt that the JL's were a bit faster overall. For HT demo we di... | |
Best speakers in the 3000 -5000 range The new Bose do throw a huge stage. No doubt about it! | |
Best speakers in the 3000 -5000 range I have seen some posts here and in other forums stating the Vapor Audio Cirrus bettering some real high end speakers at RMAF. After reading a bit about the design of this speaker I ended up ordering a pair. The cabinet is built like a bomb shelter... | |
Best Speakers at RMAF 2011...? Vapor1, you may have something very good here. Is this the first time that you had this particular speaker at a show? Nice of Steve to mention your speaker even though his room had the YG's as well. | |
Best Speakers at RMAF 2011...? I for one would like to hear more from the 20 other people that attended the after hours demo between Vapor Cirrus and YG Kipod II. Any long time active members that joined this event? Maybe someone who does not own the Vapor or who has not spoken... |