
Responses from jonwolfpell

Your single most significant purchase mistake?
My first turntable in 1974- BIC 940 belt drive. What a POS! I think it was designed engineered ok, just poor quality of materials & construction. The fluid in cueing system leaked on early & would drop the needle on the record faster than ... 
Decisive moments your your audio journey
Great stuff here many of which I can relate to. I've had many different revelatory moments listening to music along way. The initial one was hearing what good, tight & defined bass can sound like on stacked large Advents in too small a room th... 
Dunlavy SC IV Speaker- Any Good???
I owned the big Duntechs (forerunners of the Dunlavys) back in the 80"s & they were substantially better in just about every way than anything else available at that time other than maybe the Infinity IRS & the bigger Apogees.  The had no ... 
Will An Anthem AV Receiver Benefit From An Aftermarket Power Cable
Don’t sell you Anthem receiver short! It’s an excellent piece of equipment which can sound really good. A good power cord should make a noticeable improvement especially if you push the receiver & play your system loudly & draw some real c... 
K-horn won't fit, any other corner speakers recommended for a big room?
Volti Audio Rivals. Better than the K horns in just about every way imo. That said, the new K horns do not need to go right in the corners. The design has been slightly modified & efrcticreate their own corners with their new cabinets.   
starting equiment that ic cold from being shipped
Some funny responses. I once blew up an older TV with a picture tube turning it on when I had just taken it out of my garage in winter. It arced, smoked & made some horrible noises in its dying moment. Picture didn’t actually implode which mig... 
Question about Class A
Rogers High Fidelity EFH 200 Mark III !! Great tube integrated amp 100 watts / channel Class A. Hand made in MA w/ top quality parts & point to point wiring. Great sound, great build quality & lifetime warranty. Amongst the very best.   
Power Conditioners
Any & at all price points. I have minimal experience w/ them & want to hear people's thoughts on my questions.     
Long live Rock? 2022 R&R HOF
I understand that I’m not following the directions specified in the original post but I rarely have done so in my life & I’m happy. Until the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame includes & in fact dedicates at least half a “ show” to Ian Anderse... 
Burn in period
Love the comments! Hilarious. I am not sure about cables having to “break in” to sound their best. It could be simply that it’s our ears & mind getting accustomed to the new sound?? No doubt cables of all types in a system sound differently fr... 
How does solo piano help you evaluate audio gear?
While I agree that we’ll recorded piano is excellent in some ways for testing speakers & whole systems in terms of tone, body  & real subtlety,  I think in many ways well recorded drums can  be even better. Bass drums, tom toms, snares, cy... 
High End Intergraded comparisons, Marantz, McIntosh, Levinson, Luxman....
You might consider one of the Rogers High Fidelity tube integrateds. Great sound, powerful, tight & nuanced like only the best solid state amps can do. Rock solid build quality, point to point wiring, full lifetime warranty! Pricey but worth i... 
Why People Like Tekton
Tektons have one tweeter? Sure looks like they have MANY from the pics on their website…… I’ve never heard them & I’m all for smaller manufacturers to compete with the often overpriced big names. I’m just curious about their design & how s... 
Why People Like Tekton
Some funny comments here! What I don’t understand & hopefully someone can help is how many speakers have only one tweeter & sound relatively balanced w/ nice extended high end & others like Tektons , McIntosh etc have many tweeters &am... 
The worst sentence in audio writing
It seems to me that Erik may have reached the limit of one or more of the following:  patience, funding, live music listening experience, the weak link of his particular system.    There are so many diverse aspects of music & musical reproduc...