
Responses from jonwolfpell

New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
Panzr- and Kloss did all his great work w/ a microphone, oscilloscope & his eyes & eyes. No computers, no real high tech materials, no exotic cabinetry. For folks who never heard heard a properly set up stacked pair, grill cloths removed, ... 
Headphones vs speakers….
fsonicsmith1 - I like all your analogies but I’m glad you stopped before you went too far. Red Burgundy is made from Pinto Noir grapes, not red Zinfandel ( original indigenous North American grape) & the two  are her different. Both can be exc... 
Headphones vs speakers….
It’s clear that headphone & speaker listens are two different things. Listening on good headphones (Sennheiser 600) w/ a good headphone amp ( Naim) back in about 2002 showed me just how much I was missing through my speakers in detail & nu... 
Advice for a new analog system
A thing to keep in mind w/ turntables & most hifi equipment, there are good & not do good examples of just about every design & school of thought. Direct drive, belt drive, massive platters, suspended plinths,etc. There’s lots of opini... 
Are There Improvements that Can Be Easily and Quickly Made Without Buying More Stuff?
Depending upon how long all of the speaker & interconnect cables have been in place, I’ve found that removing them & cleaning both the cable terminations & the jacks on the speaker or electronics & replacing them can make a positiv... 
Totally Ridiculous....Auditions on YouTube!
Listening on YouTube to determine actual sound quality of a piece of audio equipment is of course useless…… It’s similar to try to discern the overall quality of a high end car or camera or even a restaurant range ( I’m a chef / restaurateur). Yo... 
Is a highly discerning system enjoyable?
 Think it depends on your definition of “hi res”? A good system w/ solid state electronics can sound quite different to one of similar caliber but tube based. I’ve a few examples of each that to me sounded great & some that didn’t. It’s simila... 
Which integrated for Wilson Sabrina's
I second wsrrsw’s recommendation. Rogers High Fidelity EHF 200 Mark II. Quite powerful, great sound, very high build quality. I really enjoy mine. I believe you can try one & see if you like it. Call Roger & see..  
Four Hour Tube Amp Warm-Up
It’s difficult to really know for sure because I’ve not listened to the same music at 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours etc. It’s also difficult to remember & accurately compare w/ that time lapse in between. I don’t think our sonic memory is that g... 
DAC recommendations
I’m aware that many dislike the Border Patrol DAC or possibly just the idea & maybe measurements but problem not from actual listening experience. I think it fits your description of what you’re looking for. It’s very natural sounding & no... 
I have found out why new cables and tweaks actually work!
Great poem!!!  I thought you were going to say that removing your cables , cleaning their connectors & also the jacks or terminals on the equipment & replacing them all made a sonic difference because it most definitely can! That’s worth d... 
Klipsch La Scala replacement?
Volti Audio! If you enjoyed the virtues of the La Scalas, look no further. The Volti Razz might do the trick & better than the Fortes in every way but the Rivals will be better than La Scalas! They’re a little more $, about $15K depending on c... 
Experience with Black Cat and/or Triode lab Wires
Another 2 thumbs up for Triode Wire Labs!!  I also have a full variety of their cables, biwired set of speaker cables, interconnects, digital, power cords. They’re very well made, sound excellent & don’t break the bank.     Maybe start w/one ... 
What's the oddest thing in your music collection?
Besides myself, A pretty good recording of the US Marine Band Marching music from the 50's that was my Dad's which I have temporarily misplaced  but now going through all my albums so hope to find soon. He used to take his trumpet out once a year ... 
Vinyl record cleaning
I seriously once cooked a large quantity of king crab legs in a dishwasher ( obviously w/ no detergent) & stopped before he rinse cycle. It was a weekly rental house w/ no large pots. Worked well but I don’t know if the machine smelled forever...