

Responses from jond

Purpose of a DAC and Redbook Presentation
A dac is a digital to analog converter. It converts a digital signal, ones and zeroes, into an analog signal that is then amplified by your preamp/amp and sent to your speakers. "Redbook" simply refers to regular 16 bit/44.1hz cd's, as opposed to ... 
Inexpensive wine pairings?
Hi,A few of my favorite values as a wine professional;for a red try Badia a Coltibuono Cancelli Toscana Rosso 2003 a delicious blend of 70% Sangiovese (the base grape in Chianti) and 30% Syrah for around $12.00/btl. For a white perhaps a nice cris... 
Budget MC cartridge for a Rega P3 &Supratek Syrah?
Thanks for the advice guys. It looks like it's going to be the Denon based on recommendations, availability, and price. 
Power cord to add ease and tame treble.
Something else to consider looking at your system is that every review I've read about the Ayre CX7 stresses that it that it sounds dramatically better through the balanced outputs to the extent that it's been suggested that one not purchase the p... 
Have anyone seen these speakers? Or system?
I assume the darker finished things to either side are the speakers, I'm just wondering what computer aided acoustic modeling program leads you to a silhouette of Kenny from South Park? 
New York, New York - Audio Stores?????
I've never been but judging from their ads EarsNova looks interesting. They're in Manhattan and have ads in both the latest Stereophile and TAS. 
Hi Fi burnout.
I say good for him! It's important for all of us to step back occasionally and realize that music is the reason we listen, not to hear the results of our latest upgrade. Something else I think that's helpful as well are limits. What I mean is, I a... 
which 300b tube sounds the best?
S23chang,I have only compared the 98-C to the regular Valve Art 300B, it was a huge improvement smoother with more detail, and the Western Electric, pretty much even, I would say the 98-C had a bit more resolution and the WE more body and warmth. ... 
which 300b tube sounds the best?
I have also had good luck with the fairly new Valve Art Titanium Meshplate tubes, a great deal at $165/pr. Particularly good if your amp uses a lot of tubes because the price is so good. 
Thor Audio - Answers to recent FAQs
I also would like to thank both Paul and P.J. for posting their comments aimed at aiding the Audiogon buyer sort through the various iterations of their products on the used market. It is rare and laudable to see a manufacturer meet consumers of t... 
Supratek vs. Thor?
Cello,I've changed out all the tubes in my Syrah, I'm using NOS Sylvania 6sn7's, RCA black metal 6l6's, Mullard 6gk5's, Raytheon 5842's and a Phillips Miniwatt GZ34. The sound is much improved over stock though I've been advised to replace the 6l6... 
Supratek vs. Thor?
Thanks for all the responses. I think the Thor is pretty cool looking and not plane jane. I know it's a line stage, I was thinking about getting it and then later picking up a great standalone phono stage. So I'll spend the Thanksgiving holiday po... 
Aerial 10T Beware? Another Look & Buyer's Guide
Dude you must love those Aerials! Great info, if I'm ever in the market for a pair I'll certainly refer to this post, nice work. 
balanced connection player
Cary 303/200, Theta Miles to name a few more in your price range used. 
How much does your system retail for?
Can't believe I've never seen this thread before! Ok here goes: $17,700, the good news being actual expenditures are about $8240. Thank God for Audiogon!