

Responses from jond

Genalex GL GZ-34 Rectifier...Did I just get a bad one? Five months seems
I believe the OP is talking about a current production Genalex since he mentions the tube being cryoed. As others have stated sometimes a tube is just bad old or new.  A rectifier generally should last a fairly long time. I had a NOS Philco 5ar4 g... 
Seeking Advice on NOS DAC
@lowrider57 AN dacs of that vintage don’t have USB inputs, mine doesn’t I use coax. You could of course get a usb/spdif converter. As far as questions I wouldn’t stress too much about caps my DAC is Circa 1995 and still going strong. It’s a pretty... 
Seeking Advice on NOS DAC
https://www.audiogon.com/listings/da-converters-dac-see-photo-2017-11-13-digitalI have an AN DAC-3 Signature I would highly recommend this 2.1 Signature for the sound for which you seem to be looking. 
$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch!
I would give Vu at Deja Vu Audio the $20K and ask him to build me a pair of custom horn speakers with vintage drivers.  
ECM Now Streaming
Great news just queued a few up on Tidal thanks for the heads up! 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
Horns sound more like real musicians than conventional speakers, to me at least. 
Help me please!!!
leog2015 I see well that totally changes things but I agree with folkfreak a good dealer with experience with the brands would be the most helpful. I wish you the best of luck and hope you end up with an amp you love! 
Stand alone tweeter?
I can't comment on your tweeter situation but it occurs to me you have some very high end equipment tethered to a good but relatively speaking budget speaker. I am not saying it's the cause of your HF issue but it looks like a bit of a mismatch ov... 
Help me please!!!
So you're going to buy one of those very expensive amps unheard? I would call that a pretty bad move considering their respective price ranges. Asking folks in a forum which amp to buy may make you feel better but its not a panacea, please take th... 
Can a Quality Full Range Speaker be the Limiting Component in a system?
I think there is some confusion here, I assume David meant a full range "speaker" meaning a loudspeaker with presumably multiple drivers. It seems that some are assuming he meant a single full range driver. David can you clarify what you meant bec... 
Capitol Audio Fest
You guys know so much more about these drivers than me its a bit humbling to hear you discuss them with such authority. I guess I need to spend more time hanging around Vu's on the weekends! Glad to hear you both liked the CAF speakers better at D... 
Can a Quality Full Range Speaker be the Limiting Component in a system?
If there is a better speaker out there then of course it can. 
Devore O/96 vs Volti Rivals
The Volti's are horns and O/96's are conventional box speakers as said above it's apples and oranges. Personally I've fallen pretty hard for horns but as with all things YMMV. 
Upgrade power supply for Auralic Mini
I have an Sbooster and think it's great. 
Can somebody explain this?
abery some good info here and yes for one year apparently 1960:http://www.audioaficionado.org/showthread.php?t=30811