

Responses from jond

Speaker distance
Audio Note AN-J's 5 feet. 
Can a power conditioner cause electrical problems?
@elizabeth  welcome back and Merry Christmas! Long time no see glad to have you back! I hope you stick around! 
Full-sounding SS amps (besides Pass)
Don’t forget Accuphase.  
Did I just ruin my amp
BTW you really should try Genalex Gold Lion KT-77's by far the best EL34 variant I've heard. I use them in my own EL34 pp amp. 
Did I just ruin my amp
A google image of the back panel states under the iec input F-8A which should indicate a Fast Blo 8amp fuse. 
Dac upgrade?
The idea of a new DAC aside you may also want to consider, your preamp being almost 40 years old, taking it to a tech to get looked over and possibly recapped. You may find this a bigger upgrade in sound quality than a new DAC,. 
Did I just ruin my amp
Replacing a fuse should be very easy, first make sure the amp is off. Looking at the back of some Melody amps online it looks like the fuse is in a compartment above the iec power inlet. You should be able to just pop that out with a flat bladed s... 
Contemplating move from Elac UniFi FS’s to ex-demo Devore Super 8s
I’ve heard DeVore speakers and think they sound great. I’ve never heard Elac’s however and can’t comment on the differences but to me DeVore’s are musical in the best possible way. Your amp should have no issues at all driving Super 8’s, much bett... 
Crackling noise
Did you plug both cables into that same port? Make sure its not a short in the cable itself. I had a short in an RCA cable and it sounded as you describe a crackling sound. 
New Member: DC Hi-Fi Group
Awesome and thanks for the reminder I meant to join and life got in the way! 
Merry Christmas
Thanks and happy holidays and good wishes to all! And many many hours of happy listening! 
My pleasure good luck and happy holidays! 
I have an Aries Mini but should be pretty much the same download your files to your HD and connect it wirelessly or via USB to the Aries. You need to download the Lightning DS app and find your HD and it will create a library of your music. That's... 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
@marqmike Thank you sir that was...well..........Purfikt! :) 
Review Audioquest Hurricane (part 1)
@folkfreak  Thank you for a cogent and well written review!