

Responses from jond

Daedalus Audio Apollo Speakers
Congratulations on the speakers and also very well written! 
What are you streaming tonight?
Michel Petrucciani.....Trio in TokyoQuobuz 
What are you streaming tonight?
Jakob Bro.........Bay of RainbowsQuobuz 
What are you streaming tonight?
Michel Legrand..........L'Affaire LegrandQuobuz 
Streaming music- not the end all music solution but one main advantage?
Wireless for me my wireless gateway is in my office and the system in my living room but I find 5Ghz works perfectly no dropouts or buffering. 
What are you streaming tonight?
Lee Morgan........ExpoobidentQuobuz 
What are you streaming tonight?
Lee Morgan....Live at the Lighthouse QuobuzAnd I can only say Rich Corinthian leather in Ricardo Montalban's accent. 
What are you streaming tonight?
Erik Truffaz......Bending New Corners Quobuz 
Streaming music- not the end all music solution but one main advantage?
When I first started streaming maybe 5 years I described it as "life changing" and that opinion has not changed. A lifetime of music at your fingertips and you don't even have to get up from your chair. 
Stainless Steel Audio Step Up
Well its basically made for the outdoors so I doubt it sounds very good. I am sure there are scientific and acoustical reasons why stainless steel is a poor material for speaker cabinets but I will defer to others with more knowledge. 
Stainless Steel Audio Step Up
I don't either what's a stainless steel stereo? 
What are you streaming tonight?
Oh good I'm not alone lol and now Affinity....Bill Evans and Toots Theilmanns 
What are you streaming tonight?
Uber losing it these days lol I thought I posted on the streaming thread yesterday. So today on Quobuz Bill Evans.......Explorations 
Whats playing on your system today?
Ok now that I am using Quobuz I figured I should start posting again. :D Arne Domnerus.........Heartfelt. 
David that's great I haven't messed around with the app really yet, using the Lightning DS app at home but looking forward to checking it out and exploring more. I haven't decided to cut Tidal yet but I may down the road we shall see.