
Responses from jon_5912

Thiel Owners
Maybe it's my imagination but it seems like there's way more Thiel than usual on ebay right now.  
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?
I've got a pair of ATC 110s and it's hard to imagine anything better for loud, amplified music.  They can play very loudly without distorting.  I doubt anything can compete with their combination of high volume, low distortion, and excellent in-ro... 
"Slam"--what is it, is it really accurate?
Big drivers in a big box.  The bass drivers need to have a high cutoff.  A big subwoofer with stand mounts can play 20hz-20khz but won't have slam.  The surface area of the woofer is the key.    
Passive vs Active...Again!
In my experience the thing that makes the biggest difference in room integration is the size of the midrange.  A small midrange won't beam the way larger ones do.  The ATC models that use the 3" dome midrange, for example, are very easy to integra... 
Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?
An argument I've heard for time/phase alignment is that it relieves your brain of the burden of reconstructing the sound as it originally was.  The various frequencies that make up any sound are normally all related in time and most speakers don't... 
how would you describe a system that is musical in nature
It means it possesses your preferred inaccuracies.  I have no problem with people preferring whatever but calling that preference "musical" is kind of silly.  It elevates a personal preference to a level it doesn't belong at. 
Best Desktop Speakers under $500
I'd consider these. you like the VA sound these are a bargain, not much bass though.  I significant step up in quality than new speakers at th... 
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee?
Selling is a cost of doing your business but auditioning is a service provided by a dealer.  It's a service that can be separated from the transaction.  When a person auditions a product at a dealer and then buys it off of the internet, they're se... 
How much could it cost to get them veneered?  I'd buy the pro version and if the look bothered me I'd call a carpenter and have them veneered for a fraction of 10k.   
Any Vienna acoustics love out there? Anyone even still using them?
I've got pairs of Bach and Mozart Grands.  I got them for super cheap when Best Buy dropped them 10+ years ago.  The Mozarts are currently serving as computer speakers on each side of my desk.  Powered by a Creek 5350SE and an Audioquest Dragonfly... 
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee?
I think if you pay for an audition you've got a strong basis for asking to be left alone.  Otherwise it's an uncomfortable situation where the dealer fears he's being taken advantage of and is antsy about it.  Why not arrange an agreeable transact... 
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee?
It's completely accurate, just not usual.  High performance audio requires dealers to exist.  Differences are generally subtle and it's important for there to be places to figure out what the differences are.  Most dealers have disappeared.  Wheth... 
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee?
@millercarbon the people who will have a big problem with this are the bungholes who want to use the dealer services for free and then buy off the internet.  Those of us who would prefer to have and support local dealers won't have a problem with ... 
Demos - To Charge a Fee or to Not Charge a Fee?
It makes sense for businesses to charge for anything of value they provide.  The ability to demo gear has value.  I really like the idea of charging since people who want to try something out at the store and then go buy it at the cheapest place o... 
Bass sensation like a loud car system in home?
The relatively small enclosure space of a car is a big part of it but so is the nearfield aspect.  You can sit a lot closer to most speakers than people think.  I've used floorstanders on each side of my desk in a bunch of situations and it's very...