
Responses from johnto

SS Amp suggestions
I agree that you should explore the Pass line of amps. Some of their dealers will let you have a free in home trial. 
Cartridge recommendation?
You could try gently used and get a lot more for your $$ 
Vinyl/TT Gurus Chime in! Cartridge Decision: Rework My old Sumiko or get a new cartridge?
I would try the retip process first Soundsmith does a fantastic job, if not try one of their MI cartridges. 
Why are there so many PS Audio BHK-mono or stereo amps for sale? What Gives?
And exactly what makes them turkeys. Have you heard one Explanation please. 
Maggies and Wells Audio together
Your amp will do 200 watts at 4 ohm so should be okay unless you really like cranking the volume. I have 3.7i a truly great speaker. 
Recommendations for a Phono Preamp
I'm using an Ayre highly recommend. 
Recommendations for upgrade
Based on your musical taste I would second a listen to the Maggie's. They do present jazz real and life like. Space and budget permitting you could even try the new 30.7 
Best amp options between $2k-$4 to power Magnepan 1.7?
Wondering what the op ended up with and what his thoughts are. 
Special Event June 29th Scottsdale, AZ Speakerfest!!!!!!!
Any follow up on what you heard and thought. 
The best speaker for a small any price point.
I have a pair of Maggie 3.7i in a 12x15 room with a sub it will blow you away. The smaller Maggie’s would be fantastic too. 
Pondering a Speaker Upgrade
I've found that Magnolia, Best Buy is a very poor place to audition equipment usually not set up well and sales staff don't really know their product. Maybe you can find another store or someone in the area to have a good listen. 
Maggies moved 6 inches...big improvement
I believe moving them definitely changed the sound. After reading Jim Smiths book I moved my 3.7 4" more from the wall brought them 2 " closer together on each side and placed wood shims under the rear to angle slightly forward and preceive a big ... 
Maggies moved 6 inches...big improvement
Yes years ago I had 901's hanging and they would swing from the air output on cuts from dark side of the moon or dd organ lps. 
Is Jim Smith's Book"Get Better Sound"Best Book ?
I was lucky enough to find a copy in the library, many excellent tips. I did improve my listening with his speaker placement info. 
BEST UPGRADE regardless of cost?
Playing with speaker placement absolutely free, if you don't find improvement you can always replace to original location.