
Responses from johnto

Selfless, Audio professionals, who help us improve are life of listening to music.
Bill was indeed one of the true gentlemen of audio. He was always welcoming and willing to give you a listen  or advice even if you were only purchasing a $3 LP. 
Selling on Audiogon
I've never had a problem buying or selling on Usaudiomart. If you price realistically things should move. 
200g vinyl, more static?
I think it depends on the time of year and where you live. I have much more static on my vinyl during the winter months, living in the Northeast. 
Sent Back the Pro-ject Turntable: What would be the best option in the $1800 range?
Another VPI fan picked up a used Scout Aries for under $1K. Still running fine 5 years on. 
What are Your Favorite and Most hated Record Manufacturers
I think Ryco is now owned by Warner, never had a problem with the Hendrix or Bowie Lp's I purchased when they were independent. 
With what you know now what components doe you wish you had bought years ago?
Allison or ADS speakers instead of Bose 901's in the mid 70's. I had a friend who was in love with Bose, bought a pair and convinced me to do the same. 
Guest suddenly takes it upon herself to move my speakers
I don’t think non audiophile’s understand or believe the money our equiptment costs, they think of music systems as cheap Sears stuff, regardless you shouldn’t go into someone’s home and move or touch things without asking first. 
New Santana Album "Africa Speaks"
Giving it another listen now, it is nice music but as others note does suffer from compression and dynamic loss. I don't need everything in my face so to speak.I do love the first 3 Santana Lp's. 
Friend needs advice for $8,000 system
I would go with a Parasound integrated it will give you everything for about $3K new.I ran one with my Maggie 1.7i and the paring was musical magic. It has almost a tube like sound. That would leave about $2K for a t.t. and cartridge and there are... 
Albums that you listen to straight through / start to finish whenever you put them on!
The Beatles ( any lp ) how could you shut off or skip music this great. 
Magnepan 3.7i vocals sound harsh
It's been awhile but I didn't want to leave my saga without an ending. Since moving to the Pass equipment and putting many more hours on the speakers they have settled in beautifully, I guess they just needed many hours of play to fully break in. ... 
Von Schweikert VR2
If he's still reading it would be interesting if he posted what he tried and what the final results were. 
pass labs x250.8 or simaudio w-5
The Pass is a fantastic piece of equipment but the only way to really know is get out and listen yourself. 
Is there a physical and ritual connection with the analog LP?
Plus the usual great art work and liner notes us oldies can actually see and read gives you more of a connection to the artist and music. 
IKEA launches modular speaker line - watch out Wilson, Magico...
Boom box of old all lights no sound.