
Responses from johnto

Love Songs
Elton Your SongBeatles I want to hold your hand 
Git watcha want
I liked it thought Mick was in great form, Ronnie's licks were nice could have been louder, Keith looked kind of lost no sure what he was doing and Charlie is Charlie always cool. 
Gaining listening experience without spending money
As a previous writer stated don't be afraid to ask on this and other forums for in home auditions, we all enjoy meeting new people and sharing knowledge and our systems. You can also try Audiocircle , audioasylum and Usaudiomart. Good luck enjoy t... 
Floored by Beatles "White Album" Reissue
I borrowed the multiple disc box from the library and it is truly amazing to hear the development of each song from the Esher demo to the finished Lp's. Sound quality of all is great.Let's not forget the terrific Pepper reissue that started it all... 
Thank you same to you and all who believe. 
Need help on McIntosh meters
I think most of us are here to learn and appreciate useful thoughts and help and don't really see any need for stupidity. 
Amp Section for New Pair of Magenpan 3.7i
I running mine with a Pass 250.8 great sound plenty of power for Maggie's. There is some heat but I find people who don't own Pass greatly exaggerate it. That falls within your price range. 
small footprint Class A mono blocks and pre amplifier
Congratulations. Pass are the best enjoy! 
Reasonable moving coil cartridge
Why not look for a gently used cartridge you'll get much more for your money. I've had great luck with a few I've bought. 
Corona playlist- time to smile
I can't get no doctor Humble PieCommunications Breakdown Led Zeppelin 
Emotiva not so good
Went from xpa 1l mono's to Parasound Halo Integrated different as night and day. Parasound a huge step up with Maggie 1.7 speakers. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The Band ( brown ) 2 x 45 rpm amazing clean sound. Was unsure of buying this as I wasn't that impressed with Big Pink 45 rpm but this knocks it dead.  
looking for a preamp for pass XA30.5
With my Pass equipment I noticed an increase in clarity and volume when I switched from the unbalanced to the balanced inputs. 
Rogue Audio Cronus (Magnum) Mk1 -vs- Mk3
Why not just call Mark himself I'm sure he'll answer your questions. 
looking for a preamp for pass XA30.5
I'm using a Pass XP10 with my 250.8 it's a very nice sounding combo. The only drawback is the limited RCA inputs.