
Responses from johnto

VPI Industries---Love the Company as Much as their Turntables
To hysteve have you had the stylus and cartridge checked it could be time for a rebuild or a new one this should improve your sound considerably .  Do folks follow the maintenance instructions and tune up there table at least once a year.  A ver... 
Deals Gone Bad
I usually try to make major purchases with in driving distance. I also research the feedback of the other party as well as doing a Google, Facebook search of the person and address and have a phone conversation.  
Experienced Maggie Lovers Please Advise
I have what many would consider a small room 12 X 15 with my 3.7i and two subs and I'm glad I upgraded to the largest Maggie's I could afford.  
John Mayall has passed away
John certainly knew how to spot talent, he had the all top players who went into their own fame in his groups over the years. RIP  
Experienced Maggie Lovers Please Advise
I have the 37i and have also owned 1.7 and 1.7i as well as a friend bringing LRS over and as other have said bigger is definitely better, you get a better sound stage, more definition and cleaner sounding instruments and vocals . If you enjoy rock... 
RIP Jeff Beck
Just picked up the Beck, Bogert and Appice live in Japan and live in London what a fantastic power trio. The sound is amazing with the drums shaking the floor and Jeff's blazing guitar work and Tims great bass , all and all a giant step up from th... 
You're not a true audiophile unless...
True I like being known for my music collection first.  
Speaker Cables For $300
You could save money and build your own using Canare 4S11 which are extremely good sounding and used in recording studios.  
Rod Stewart - Every Picture Tells A Story
The Rod Stewart Reason to Believe collection has all his solo Mercury albums in excellent sound.  The early Faces albums are also excellent First Step, Long Player ( a favorite of mine) and A Nod is as Good as a Wink. Enjoy the music.  
speakers and cables
Can't you go from the R & L amp outs to the subs and subs usually have outs for the main speakers.  
4th of July Music
Van Morrison. Almost Independence Day Johnny Cash. Ragged Glory Rascals. America the Beautiful Ray Charles America Elvis American Trilogy Credence. Born on the Bayou. Fortunate Son Springsteen  Born in the USA Beach Boys Surfing USA    
Power Cables <$500 for Digital Sources
I think JB is saying don't waste your money as a power chord is a power chord and will sound the same.  
Magnepan 3.7i amp pairing
You can’t go wrong with Pass. I using a 250.8 with my 3.7i magnificent sound. This pairing won a best of show about 5 years ago. You should be able to find one gently used and a good pre in your price range. I’m using 2 subs with my Maggie’s with... 
Digital LP’s
It's just a ripoff by the record companies as folks will pay double the CD price for an LP. When the Beatles set came out my friends and I compared and couldn't really hear any difference. Since then any of the new remasters I've wanted I've only ... 
Great song by the Clash
The London calling LP is classic including the cover. I always enjoyed Charlie Don't Surf from Sandinista.