
Responses from johnto

Best low budget speakers for a Levinson 383 Integrated amp
There's a pair of Philharmonic monitors for sale over on audiocircle   
Best low budget speakers for a Levinson 383 Integrated amp
Another Maggie's fan here i'd go with the 1.7 used provided you have the space.. and maybe add a sub.   
Any Rhode Island audiophiles out there?
I may drive down from MA depending on when and where.  
New cartridge ideas...
As a fellow owner Soundsmith is a great idea. I wouldn't give up on your current cartridge until you've put close to 100 hrs on it.  
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts?
Don't know how much you plan on spending but Pass makes an excellent pairing with Maggie's. The Parasound Halo integrated is also a good combo. I don't think I'd invest much in a 20 year old model. Good luck  
Truly Stunning Vinyl Album
Jeff Beck Truth 2 X 45 rpm LP.   The first few Chicago LP's sound great.  ELP Lucky Man LP .  Almost any Direct to Disc album but the music can sometimes sound dated.  
Orchestrated Rock...Uriah Heep and others
Not classic yet but the new Joe Bonamassa live at the Hollywood Bowl has a full orchestra and really shines.  
Speakers that disappear
Not sure of your budget but another idea would be the MBL 126 I have not heard it but it does get incredible reviews and seems to have the traits you are looking for.   
$8k for speakers - new or used
You could get used Maggie 3.7i with a couple of subs should fill the bill. Not sure how they would pair with the Macs.   
Speakers that disappear
Agree with Maggie's 3.7i but they do need a high current amp and subs add a lot. . What sold me was listening to Back in the USSR. They do miss on the not to big mark however.   
Are your records a health concern?
Heck if you live in CA everything is cancerous even the chicken wire I bought had their health warning on it.   
Refurbished / Re-tipped Cartridges - Are they worth Buying?
I've used Soundsmith several times and always been thrilled with the results. If you have one of their cartridges retipping is very affordable at about 20% the cartridge price. I usually buy gently used and get a cartridge I couldn't normally aff... 
Would McIntosh Auto Transformers affect speaker sound?
About 6 years ago I was considering a Mac for my Maggie's so I called the factory and they recommended against using their autoformer amps with these speakers so I went with with Pass instead which was a terrific match.   
Cartridge upgrade
Find a gently used Soundsmith cartridge, i got a Carmen II 5 years ago and just had it rebuilt and I'm still way under the price a new one would cost. Soundsmith rebuilds their cartridges for around 20% the cost of a new one and they sound fantast... 
VPI Industries---Love the Company as Much as their Turntables
I have the unipivot on my Aries Scout and placed springs under the supplied feet never a warble, skip or wiggle and I'm working out on the in the same room with a wood floor.