

Responses from johnk

The sonic rightness of a mono system.
No one cares about MONO? I don't think that is true and from what this post generated in other forums is far from that conclusion. It is a bit about large vs small- small in stereo and large in mono so you oversimplify and dismiss with absolutes. ... 
The sonic rightness of a mono system.
 On a large loudspeaker, you have a large soundstage that is what we try to replicate with 2-smaller loudspeakers.                                                       One could always try something different or not and be content with all the ex... 
Revel speakers - dealer scuttlebutt
The writings on the wall. You can already see the uncertainty in used Revel prices. And dealers are getting a bit nervous about stocking products from Revel.  
Top vintage receivers vs. modern high-end equipment
Vintage Speakers, TT, Reel-Reel, Tuner but use a modern integrated. I've owned a good bit even Fischer 500c and 800c the 500c all rebuilt to slightly better than new by the Fischer Doc. And even that was trounced by a $400 Chinese tube integrated. 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Fostex has been using a more advanced version for surround a hyperbolic paraboloid for over 20 years don't see were Paradigms doing anything new at all. 
What are the current "speaker trends" in your opinions?
Some trends-Overpricing, Chinese construction, aluminum cabs, tweeter of the month, Euro drivers in a small box. lifestyle designs morphing with audiophile products. 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
I've worked with a lot of mangers and have heard other types. I see a good num of design flaws in the Gobel and its nothing new.  
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
After receiving a good num of modern state of the art transducers and horns I still stand by my statement that we have not made much progress in sound quality since the early spurt of development during the 1930s even the newest designs I have rec... 
Flea Watt Amp: What Speakers Are. You Using With Yours? Recommendations
My Shearers run great on 3 1/2 watts 
Metal cabinet speakers
It would be a tiny cab if built out of a 1/2 sheet of ply. 
Metal cabinet speakers
 kalali Magico is priced to attract audiophiles who equate cost as much as any other performance aspect they are well made well-designed loudspeakers for sure but overpriced like most all high-end today.         And maybe you missed this part of m... 
Metal cabinet speakers
Baltics far more costly than $40 a cab to build a speaker a 2x8 sheets $70 much more if furniture grade or veneered Aluminum is cheap to use once you set up to use it. Aluminum is about $1900 a ton birch ply more costly plus waist from ply is not ... 
Why HiFi manufacturers don't make active crossovers anymore?
Sure DSP can correct issues and if your system has them then it is very useful. If your loudspeakers of proper design a DSP will have nothing to correct.  
Why HiFi manufacturers don't make active crossovers anymore?
To make modern active one must use DSP and chips no small manufacturers can make chips so they must rely on what's available so basically you have a few versions of basically the same thing and its why smaller companies are avoiding for now. Passi...