
Responses from john_tracy

Zesto vs K & K phono stages
David, although not all the upgrades in the current Maxed Out are officially supported for older units it is possible to do (with cavets). I was the owner of the very first complete phono pre kit sold. When I acquired a beta Venice I sold "Old #1"... 
Zesto vs K & K phono stages
One needs to take any comparison to the K&K Audio Maxed Out with a grain of salt. The "Maxed Out" has undergone several major (sonically) revisions in the last couple of years. If the person does not specify which version he/she is referring t... 
Audio Additives vs Acoustic Sounds Digital Scale
Doug, I didn't mention the possibility of the cart. being attracted to something in the body of the scale so as not to confuse the issue. The problem as stated was a negative reading before the stylus touched the weigh pan of the scale. This can o... 
Audio Additives vs Acoustic Sounds Digital Scale
Before lowering the cart. to the scale, the cart./tonearm is supported by the tonearm rest. The magnet in the cart. pulls up on the pan of the scale giving the negative reading. This force is being countered by the tonearm rest. Once the tonearm i... 
Phono Preamp price range $2000-$4000
I played a Shelter 9000 through a K&K Audio phono pre ( the first complete kit sold BTW) that had been fully upgraded to Maxed Out status. A very good sounding combination, although you would need custom load resistors ( I chose resistors that... 
Phono rig capacitance
" the mathematics that is involved in analyzing RLC circuits is quite complex"But not so complex if you use the Complex form of reactive impedance. ;~)Seriously, the use of Complex (imaginary) numbers makes the process much more easy. The circuit ... 
transformer or sweet but low cost phono pre amp
This kit is a very nice, low cost option: the software truncates the link, click on phonostages from the home page. 
Power supply for Cambridge Audio Azur 651P phono ?
Well, the software truncated the link above. You will need to click on the accessories link on the K&K home page. 
Power supply for Cambridge Audio Azur 651P phono ?
If you can use a soldering iron you could consider this: The LT3080 is an excellent regulator chip and the use of soft recovery diodes reduce the "hash" generated by the supply. 
Stylus force digital scales
I made something similar out of two pieces of acrylic and a long bolt to use with a lab style full size top loader. Works great. 
Stylus force digital scales
Doug, any magnetic attraction with not affect the weight measured. You will see the scale read negative as the cart. nears the scale; but that's because it's being supported by the cueing mechanism. Once the cart. is released all its weight is on ... 
Used turntable market
I purchased a used Nott. Hyperspace on Audiogon several years ago and it has served me very well. 
Phono Preamp - 2k budget?
David12, the K&K phono pre now sports a MOSFET/tube cascode front end and a current source fed shunt regulator for the B+ supply. Having recently modified a buddy's unit I can testify that the changes are not at all subtle, but very compelling... 
Balanced or single ended phono stage?
Not all units with balanced outputs have true differential circuits. Also, running two single ended units in bridged mode is not the same as true differential. With a bridged connection there will be two AC current loops per gain stage. A differen... 
has anyone else tried Lloyd Walkers latest tweak
More mumbo jumbo and hand waving and still no real mechanism for the alleged effect. In things audio I'm willing to be a happy empiricist and accept something that enables my system to sound better. But to make pseudo scientific claims as to why t...