

Responses from jmcgrogan2

BAT to BAT - What's Best?
I went with the Callisto simply because it has far more tubes. These Minnesota winters can be quite brutal so having a space heater helps much. And with me having to stand next to the Callisto to stay warm, there's no need for a remote.Jafox LOL J... 
Turntables from 1-10: Personality 8.5 Beauty 12
I second the Teres, it is a work of art. Sonically, I'm quite happy with my Basis 2500 Diamond Signature now, and it is also easy on the eyes.John 
BAT to BAT - What's Best?
The dealer that you were speaking with that claimed Aesthetix owners don't keep their gear long, , did he happen to sell Aesthetix equipment? If he does, then his words may carry some weight, if not then his words are meaningless. FWIW, my dealer ... 
Gain Tubes vs Output Tubes - Aesthetix Calypso
As Jim White states in his reply to this review:"As you wrote, the Calypso is a simple circuit. It basically consists of input switching, volume control, gain stage (12AX7), output stage (6922). Therefore, anything that happens in the 12AX7 goes d... 
BAT to BAT - What's Best?
No, I only had the 51SE with a BAT VK-600SE amp, so synergy could have had something to do with it. Though I had a pair of Clayton M-100 monblocks when I had my VK-31SE, and thought the BAT family sound was still there.Yes, you could say from 1999... 
What's the difference between Proceed's amplifiers
There is a difference, how significant it would be is up to your ears/wallet to determine. Why the curiousity about these particular amps? You do know that the Proceed line no longer exists don't you? Do you also know that Madrigal no longer owns/... 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Speedy, could you please report your findings before commiting suicide? This could save other AudiogoNer's from the risk of potential suicide. Thanks for the help. :) 
BAT to BAT - What's Best?
Well Jim, from what I've read from you in the past, I think you would prefer your VK-5i. It is warmer than the VK-51SE. BAT in general is more dynamic and powerful than the CJ's and VAC's, I think the answer lies in the bigger power supplies. That... 
What's the difference between Proceed's amplifiers
The HPA2/3 are the more recent models, circa 1998.The Amp 2/3 series dates to 1994.John 
Most expensive Audio disapoinment?
01-11-07: Jaybopeoples memories are short. the cd was made to displace the audio cassette, not the lp.Yeah, um, I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there Jaybo. When originally presented, the CD was specifically aimed at replacing ... 
BAT to BAT - What's Best?
I guess there could have been some sonic problems on my VAC Ren mk II, but I also had a VAC Avatar Super, and I would say the overall house sound was the same. Very refined and polite, lots of air were the positives. I think the VAC's were the bes... 
How many us a Line Conditioner with a Big SS Amp
Audphile1, I do not believe that I ever claimed to have a Shunyata Anaconda on my amplifier. FWIW, at the time that I had the Hydra 2 with Anaconda Alpha power cord, I had a BAT VK-600SE plugged into it. The BAT amp is a single chassis, but is dua... 
Tube pre-amps: turn off when not in use?
Sonofnorway is correct about the standby mode, this is your best option. Do not turn it off, but I would recommend you put it in standby mode.As for tube costs, the last I checked (8-10 months ago) BAT was charging $200 per tube for what they call... 
Most expensive Audio disapoinment?
CD......perfect sound forever.........yeah right!Long live vinyl! 
Good luck with cardas power cords..
Well I don't know that neutral is the word that I would use to describe them. I put them more in the warm, musical side. No complaints, they are a fairly good value for the $$$ though.