Responses from jmcgrogan2
Shipping Expensive Speakers? WATCH OUT Is this only for expensive speakers? What about expensive amps or other gear?D@mn Paladin, I was considering posting an ad to sell off some of my old Mod Squad Soft Shoes......but now I guess I'll just have to advertise local pick up only......Che... | |
Review: Lessloss Filtering Power Cable Power cord Nice review, thanks, I'll have to check 'em out.BTW, is that the hired help holding the power cord in the photo?The cord would be more impressive if you had a girl in a bikini holding it. :-0Cheers,John | |
Krell KSA150 vs KSA100S & KSA100 for Inf Kappa 9 I wouldn't limit myself to Krell. Do some homework and look around. Krell has been having some financial problems lately. Levinson owners went through hell for a couple years when Madrigal was bought out by Harmon International. Same with Aragon o... | |
EFFICIENCY I have A Classe amp rated at 100 watts per channel into 8omhs and 190 watts into 4omhs.I am looking at two speakers,one has an efficiency rating of 86 and the other 90.Assuming both speakers are rated at 8 ohms, the 86 db rated speaker would put o... | |
"popping" when moving to balanced cables on Amp Do you all with separates manually turn on your equipment one piece at a time or do you use triggers or what??TedInternetmin Yes, I turn all equipment on and off one piece at a time, and I have monoblock amps. :) No triggers here, I don't trust th... | |
Looking for assistant to Aesthetix IO Sig In addition, how you use the Aux input at the IO? the CD or second cartridge.Ykauyeung I do not own a Io, so I have never used the Aux input.John | |
Angriest Lyric/Vocal 11-14-07: Audiofeil"One of These Days"Pink FloydBill, "One of these days I'm going to chop you into little pieces"? C'mon, that's not anger, surely you can do better than that. ;^}I can't beleive there is no Black Sabbath yet. How about Sabbath Bl... | |
"popping" when moving to balanced cables on Amp Disconnect the interconnect cables from your amp completely, leave the speaker cables hooked up. Now power your amp on and off. Is the pop still there? If so, the problem is your amp, if not, then your amp is fine, and the problem is with the prea... | |
Looking for assistant to Aesthetix IO Sig Unfortunately, no, I do not. You may try e-mailing Albertporter or Jafox off-line. They are very familiar with the Io. I'm only familiar with tube problems, which from your description, it sounds like a tube problem, I've never owned an Io.Good lu... | |
Looking for assistant to Aesthetix IO Sig Probably a tube went bad, it's time to start swapping tubes from one channel to the other until you find out which tube is the culprit. Of course you will have to swap the tubes in the power supplies too. Good luck,John | |
the paradox of accurate speakers Cheese, who said anything about cheese?Please enlighten me than Pbb. What is accuracy? Are you talking about speaker laboratory measurements? You can measure a wine's viscosity and pH levels, but that tells you nothing about the taste. I'm from th... | |
balanced power Here is a couple links about:Balanced power is a new technologyThe origin of balanced powerHope this helps,John | |
the paradox of accurate speakers Accuracy is in the ear of the be(er)holder. :)Listening to music is a subjective experience, like drinking wine or eating ice cream. There is no 'accurate' in wine tasting or ice cream eating, why would you look for it in music?Cheers,John | |
Bass--How much is too much? I guess I'll jump in here with a different POV. So far, everyone seems to like chest thumping bass. Now, I admit in my younger years, that heart pounding bass was a top priority. However, now midrange clarity is my top priority. My speakers go dow... | |
Rowland Synergy IIi vs BAT VK51se???? Of these two choices, I would choose the BAT VK-51SE. It has a more powerful presence, with better tonal accuracy and soundstaging. The Synergy IIi is slightly more refined and does have more transparent high's.FWIW, I am currently using a pair of... |