

Responses from jmcgrogan2

Good source for TT dustcover??
I have bought dust covers from Stereo Squares and Gingko Audio.Both make very high quality covers, you really can't go wrong with either choice. 
Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!
Is the Teo Audio website not up to date?I don't see any mention of this new "Game-Changer" cable. 
the eternal cable question
Is it true that mixing metals can produce different sonic results? Yes. This goes for cables mixing metals in their conductors as well as those using connectors with different metals. Is it best to go with one company if they offer all the diffe... 
A Question For All You VPI Prime Owners
Was having the cover custom made expensive? No, paid the same price as their standard Prime dust-cover. 
A Question For All You VPI Prime Owners
I got mine from Stereo Squares. The stock Prime cover was too large for my rack stand, so I had them custom make one for my Prime.I don't know if anyone makes a plinth top dust-cover for the Prime, due to it's strange shape. Maybe a larger size sl... 
Sonus Faber Olympica II Speakers vs. something else?
You might want to see if you can get your ears on a pair of DeVore Fidelity gibbon X's. About the same price as the Sabrina's, but easier on the eyes and ears, IMHO. 44”H x 9”W x 17.5”D (not including feet). 
Is Audio Bluebook dead?
I would urge caution when using Hifishark, but it is helpful when searching for hard to find gear.I just successfully bought some speaker cables from Ebay Germany that I would never have seen without Hifishark.Why limit yourself to Audiogon? 
What ever happened to Krell ?
I didn't even realize Dennis Had left Cary.Thanks for posting that info Dennis Had left Cary several years ago. I do not think it was an amicable split.You can still find Dennis building his own line of preamps and amps called Inspire. He sells... 
A speaker that looks like a driver or a driver that looks like a speaker?
What's wrong with me trying to defend speakers which are ugly for you but great for us? Are they "great for you" because you have some sort of financial interest involved? Full disclosure please. 
break in
Do you ever not purchase something because of the time it takes for it to break in? No, but I have not bought many items due to the hassle of having to sell the item it replaces.Break in is not a problem for me, I use nonoise's method.Selling g... 
A speaker that looks like a driver or a driver that looks like a speaker?
I want to present to you judgement NoLimits speakers. Waiting for your comments. Are you the manufacturer or dealer?I would certainly never buy those speakers. However, if you are marketing them for female audiophiles, you may open new doors. 
What ever happened to Krell ?
Krell has not been the same company since Dan D'Agostino left.Just like Cary lost their "soul" when Dennis Had left, and Thiel has never been the same since Jim Thiel passed away and Kathy Gornik left.It's a common theme: the heart and soul of a h... 
Recap my ailing Forte 4a?
Oh alright, I'll admit it, your Forte 4a is a classic amp. Getting it recapped, even for $850, would still sound better than anything else you could get for under a couple of grand.$850 seems a bit steep to recap though. You could probably do it y... 
Recap my ailing Forte 4a?
By all means, get a new amp as these fellas recommend.Send that junky old Forte 4a to me. I'll get rid of it for you. ;^) 
Is Audio Bluebook dead?
Bluebooks, Audiogon or Orion, are not very accurate,Best to use Hifishark and Ebay to gauge current listing prices and recent sold listing prices.