

Responses from jmcgrogan2

Grills ON or Grills OFF?
When the listening session begins, the grill covers come off. When the listening session ends, the grill covers go back on. It's a habit that I've gotten myself into, just like turning equipment on and off. 
The best integrated amplifier
VAC Avatar. 
Warm Rich Lush Speakers...Recommendations?
Verity Audio Parsifal Encore's. 
are digital recordings on vinyl any better than CD
I would say no advantage. I have some of these LP's that were "digitally mastered" in the 80's...not very impressive. Oddly enough they charged more $$$ back then for digital mastering. If you can find the same LP w/o the digital mastering it will... 
What is "low ball"
Lowball is in the mind of the receiver, there is no set point. I'd rather get a lowball offer than another one of those "What's your bottom price?" e-mails. Personally, I'd rather negotiate with another party than negotiate with myself. Besides, s... 
Benefits of Buying Used Equipment of Age
Orpheus10: I think that is mostly applicable to power amplifiers. 
Benefits of Buying Used Equipment of Age
So haven't designs changed for the better?As a fan of valves and vinyl, I'd say no. Capacitors do wear out, but they can be replaced. 
Back In the Day
The main driver is economics. Personal income has exploded in the last 30 years, so have various means of trying to siphon that money from flush individuals. Houses, autos, boats, sporting events, etc, have also enjoyed these flourishing times.The... 
Back In the Day
No. Back in the day, audiophiles spent more time listening to music and less time listening to equipment. 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Looking at it now, I don't think it is your choice to make. When you have the audionervoso, it is a great rush while it last. I think it's not until things come up in life that THROW you off the merry-go-round that you actually get off. 
What's your profession? Age?
Damn....I just realized that I'm now 10 years older than when I first responded to this thread. Getting old sucks. 
"What's Your Best Price?"
LOL! 4 years later this is still spinning....kinda like watching a dog chase his tail.....carry on. 
marantz 11s2 sacd player modifications
You can have the best of both worlds Mr.T. I also am a tube fan over SS. I run tube pre and amp, though I do use a SS phono stage. I find my Marantz SA-11S1 with the Ultimate Tube mod by Chris Johnson from pcX was the best digital one box solution... 
What percentage of audiophiles use a sub ?
I own a sub, and use it when watching movies......not when listening to music though.Cheers,John 
Which cost more: your system or your car?
My System.Cheers,John