
Responses from jmalen123

Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
These are the threads I most enjoy. I have ordered 5 new albums already. Thanks to all for sharing.  
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
After 6 decades I have found that looking for new music is half the fun. London Grammar / Truth is a Beautiful Thing Supertramp / Crime of the Century Nothing but Thieves / Broken Machine Oysterhead / Grand Pecking Order Robert Plant and the ... 
Beautiful Music That Reduce You To Tears
Johnny Cash   HURT  
What are your favorite recordings that sound best to you?
After 50 years of experimenting with all music genres, a huge collection of spinning discs has crowded my living/music room. Of the many becomes a few... Oysterhead / The Grand Pecking Order                                                        ... 
Thoughts on having 2 different sized subs in same room
Through a strange chain of events I ended up with 3 different SVS subs at the same time... SB3000, SB4000 and a PC2000 Pro. Through much experimentation with many other subs and the SVS trio, my preference was the 3 subs of like build characterist... 
Budget High Current Power Cords
For me the wire gauge is less important than the materials the cable is made from and that goes double for the connections. Audio Envy makes good flexible cables with quality materials for good prices. 
Top 3 songs to evaluate a system
London Grammar, Hey NowZero 7, DestinyIncubus, Vitamin  from the album Science which is recorded great. 
Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system?
Much of the newer metal is recorded very well. Parkway Drive, Soulfly, Machine Head all have very well thought out and produced recordings. My system is extremely resolving and Incubus / Science sounds so good I listen to it often. Depending on wh... 
What is wrong with my system?
Plus one for London Grammar, being civil, having thicker skin, and look for the humor in things. Life is glorious and funny, at least enjoy the music. 
What process did you use to integrate multiple subwoofers for 2 channel listening?
I have over the past year added 3 subs to my system 1 at a time. Placement was not as much an issue as volume level and low pass set point. For me both went down quite significantly over time. You might save yourself some time and start out with a... 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
The Soundcraftsmen MA5002. Class H beast runs cool, powers any speaker and sounds sweet. Matched with the SP4002 preamp was for me unbelievable fun in the 80s. I have 4 of each. Don't ask. 
klipsh scala speakers
I have had my La Scala speakers for 35 years and am still finding ways to make them even more enjoyable than stock. (which I liked) Over the years I have built stands to angle them, built crossovers, bought crossovers, tried many different speaker... 
Is your heart filled with a love of music, or something else?
Here in Oregon's glorious southwest, between two beautiful mountain ranges, working long hours, at night, in a saw mill. I come home around midnight in a tiny nowhere town to a chilled air and a yummy glass of Pendleton rye, with an ache to sit an... 
Live CD Recommendations
Yanni... Live at the Acropolis. I believe was the most expensive recording up to that date. Sounds gorgeous.Nils Lofgren... Acoustic live. Best recorded rendition of Kieth Don't Go 
Good Pre-Amps For McIntosh
I have been running 2 MC252 amps for awhile now and always go back to my C52 for the preamp. Rotel, Bryston and even and old Soundcraftsmen SP4002 just can never keep the Mac out of the lineup. I also do love and use the EQ on the Mac as I listen ...