
Responses from jjss49

Opinions about Daniel Hertz
over the years, despite its premium positioning marketing wise, i have never liked the sound of levinson/madrigal/proceed gear, then cello, then red rose - the various incarnations started by 'the person' mark levinson as he jumped from one to the... 
The receiver was my intro to HiFi! What say you?
as  a preteen i had a hand me town hh scott tube receiver, then the first one i bought on my own in college was a harman kardon 330b  
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
@calvinj i trust you have seen my past thread on dacs i have tried/owned... it is by no means exhaustive but given your query it should be of some help  
Ethernet cables
@tonywinga  I try not to think about it.  Typing this isn't helping. lol -- to worry about such issues is indeed indicative of our having first world problems in this forum !!!    
Ethernet cables
for a good primer on why digital signal transfer can be subject to sonic differences, the first 3 minutes of this video serves up a simple and well stated explanation -- hans has more detailed and lengthy videos discussing this topic but this one ... 
Importance of a DAC's elements
I have a decent handle on the relative merits of various engines (e.g., single-chip ESS devices, FPGAs, R2R ladders, ring, etc.) so I don't need feed back on that topic. However, let's take the "streamer/renderer". Is there any benefit from that ... 
Ethernet cables
@ghasley all cables sound the same man! btw, all speakers sound the same, and all food wine coffee tastes the same, and all cars drive the same later dude... 🤣  
MSB for (very) long term?
i don’t see msb stranding owners of the analog dac.... in fact i know they won’t, from the horse’s mouth.... 😁 it is one of favorite dacs, transparent and beautiful sounding at the same time! in my unit i have the latest ethernet module as well ... 
The Psychology of Constant (Equipment) Change
i’m with @geof3 toys are fun... we have worked all our lives to be able to have what we want, to spend our time doing what we wish... so have fun!!! the armchair amateur psycho-babble is lame and tired  
Suggestions on Ethernet cables for Accuphase digital separates..
I didn’t think that Purist made an Ethernet cable they sure do sweet sounding one too https://www.puristaudiodesign.com/Data/products/misc/cat7.html  
Suggestions on Ethernet cables for Accuphase digital separates..
I don’t pick cables based on equipment, I base the decision on what cable provides the sound characteristics I’m looking for. ^^^^ this ^^^^ try cables from supra or dhlabs... well made with quality materials and reasonably priced  
The Psychology of Constant (Equipment) Change
it is about having fun, enjoyment, fulfillment big part of being happy in life is figuring out what makes oneself happy  
Ethernet cables
it is never worth spending a 'huge' amount of money on any cable, lan cables included - relative to the rest of your system, your major components but it IS absolutely worth spending a decent/reasonable amount of money to make sure you have good ... 
Magnepan LRS+ which amps do you use ? * 100 watts or less **
Will tube amps work with LRS like Black Ice F22? in general, no  
Streamer/DAC combinations
Improved soundstage. I feel my streaming setup may be lacking in that area. a few thoughts 1) make sure your networking front end is clean and well filtered (ether regen, lhy switch with nice clock, and/or network acoustics filters and the li...