
Responses from jimmyblues1959

I've been in this enjoyable hobby for nearly 50 years now and I've yet to tire of it because the hobby is about getting us closer to the music we love.  Audio is very subjective. Lots of differing opinions on how much one should spend on a system... 
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system
I use a Schiit LOKIUS in my headphone system and it's very useful in tailoring the sound of each HEADPHONE that I use to my preference.   
Naim Nait 2 vs. Rega Mira 3
The Nait 2 is not the most resolving integrated amplifier out there, however, it does get the listener involved in the music in a way that few audio components regardless of price can do.  I've owned most of Naim's amplifiers and preamplifiers pri... 
Getting into the music
Been in this hobby for about 50 years.  IME if you put a well balanced audio system together and use quality sources both digital and analogue, you can enjoy the music. The key is balance.  A mid priced system that has components of similar cost a... 
What percentage of digital vs. analog?
90% digital 80% of which is streaming and 10% compact disc. Last 10% is vinyl.  50% of vinyl listening is classical.   
New DAC with streamer
I've found that my Amazon Fire tablet works well as a streamer when it's used with a good stand alone dac like my Schiit Modius.  And on sale the Fire HD10 plus was only a bit over $100.  
Entry CD player question?
Owned a Rotel RCD855 when it came out back in the early 1990's and found it to be a durable component. It also sounded surprisingly good at the time and the coaxial output allowed me to try a few different outboard dac's, including the Meridian 20... 
Finally arrived !!
I don’t know what’s more impressive. Your system or the room it’s in. Glad that you’re enjoying this great hobby! 👍  
Nice vintage $2k Turntable, cartridge, and phono stage
A SYSTEMDEK IIX  is a wooden plinth turntable that can be readily upgraded with any number of tonearms and phono cartridges. The initial purchase price of a stock IIX in nice condition should be no more than $300 to $400, which leaves plenty of mo... 
Electronics for Harbeths -- $5-10K
One of the nicest amplifier pairings I can remember with my Harbeth HL3PES was some earlier Naim Audio gear.  I used a Naim NAC72/Hicap/NAP135x2 and a Naim CDi compact disc player. The sound was quite good back in the day (late 1990's).    
Hmmm lemme think about this.  Okeee..     Infinity 1001A Qysonic Tad II FMI 80 Sequerra Metronome 7 Sequerra Metronome 11 Rogers LS3/5A 15 ohm Rogers LS3/5A 11 ohm Harbeth HLP3ES with matching passive subwoofers KEF Reference Series Mode... 
Rumors of CD Demise Exagerated? New Hegel
I stream most of my music out of convenience.  For the most part the medium sounds very nice with hi resolution material. I still have enough CDs to justify owning a good CD player, so I use the Naim CDi that I inherited from my late Dad. It's a ... 
Antique Sound Labs
ASL offered great sounding tube audio gear at extremely competitive prices. A number of times their gear won praise from Hi End audio magazines like The Absolute Sound and Stereophile. I still have my ASL MG Head DT headphone amplifier, purchased ... 
Wondering if anyone can identify the speaker in this screen grab
+ 2 for Avalon Ascents.  Is that Robert Trollinger facing the camera?  I believe that Robert is the CEO of Avalon Audio.  
After a long, long sleep: ML-335
+2 for using a variac.  They work and are inexpensive in relation to the price of this amplifier. Not a bad idea to get it serviced at some point though.