
Responses from jhunter

How can power cords make a difference?
Albert, Jcbtubes -My system, while not ultra-high end, is quite enjoyable and pretty revealing:Pioneer 525 DVD/Marantz CD63 mkII feeding an MSB Link DAC III;Plinius 8150 integrated amp (w/apologies to Redkiwi's countrymen, this might be the weak l... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Jadem6 -I agree that your results are interesting indeed. Not a blind experiment so from a purely audible sense the results aren't valid (you might possibly have unintentionally given some clue as to what was happening, maybe not), but the tests d... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Jcbtubes -Have you bothered to read the PC challenge? Judging from your post, clearly not, yet for some reason feel the need to expound upon it - and upon me personally ("closeminded and lazy", you said). Your comments are insulting and ludicrous.... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Albert -Your test description was certainly picturesque! ;-) I'm sure that you already know, however, that a blind test only means that the identity of the object under test remains unknown. That's ALL that I'm looking for, and still honestly, hon... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Gregm -We're all suggestable to a very great degree. It's important to understand what purely AUDIBLE differences in components exist, and I really don't understand why people are so very reluctant to examine components in a sound-only context. I ... 
Power Cord Challenge
Looks like no takers for now, and I'm back at work next week. Tomorrow is golf, with no audio except for the "woosh" as I wiff. The offer stands for those in the San Jose area, though we may need to do some work setting up a time.Brulee and others... 
Power Cord Challenge
Tsquared -Your comments re: fast switching are right on. This is the only proven way to hear subtle differences. Hard to do with power cords, though it might be possible to rig up a rapid switch box.Cheers,JHunter 
Power Cord Challenge
Drubin -This is definitely a "win-win" proposition. If people find out that they can reliably HEAR the differences in power cords, they pocket at least $500 and can shop for an even better cord. If they cannot hear the difference, then the give th... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Sqjudge -My EE class showed the same thing - and it's correct. JD knows this also; he designed the Z6 primarily as a technical exercise and to give people the theoretically best possible solution. Reflections are not significant at audio frequenci... 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Jadem6 -If you don't understand what JD was talking about, maybe there's a reason?? ;-)JHunter 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Or to rephase Doc's statement, for some reason tests based on SOUND ONLY are suspect amongst a large proportion of "cable believers". Let everybody know which component is being tested and it becomes a meaningful test???? Not in my book. JHunter 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Sugarbie -Trotting out this analogy again? Your strawman has no bearing to anything Dunlavy has said.JHunter 
John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"
Kelly -At shows, Dunlavy uses his own design of cable (Z6 at CES 2001). And yes, he feels that there is (in the overwhelming majority of real world systems) little to zero AUDIBLE difference between his technically superior cable and zipcord.If yo... 
How can power cords make a difference?
Trelja -Interesting post and information. One question - were these blind tests, or did the musicians know which cord they were using? If they did . . .Cheers,Jordan 
How can power cords make a difference?
Kitch29 -Your lack of knowledge of science, electronics, audio, the definition of a theory, EVERYTHING that you mention in your diatribe is so staggering as to be beyond comprehension. The number and magnitude of fundamental errors in your post is...