

Responses from jfrech

Phono Preamp price range $2000-$4000
You might consider a Nagra BPS ~2500 use or a Allnic H1201 ~2950 use 
Rockwell: audiophile term "just like a pedophile"
I used to respect him for his photography advice... 
Review: Wilson Audio Grand Slamm Speaker
Hey sounds like some big changes ! Those are great speakers...assuming the tweeters helped a bit to ...better resolution but a more natural portrayal? Just a guess... 
Distortion with ARC Ref 150 and Maggie 3.7
Do you have the Bob's devices SUT into the MC or the MM input on your CAT pre? 
WP 5.1 vs WP7
It's pretty big. They both will sound great. The 7 will be more relaxed but more higher rez...I went from WP6's to WP8's awhile back...it was quite a big deal...Used Wilson's, properly set up by a trained dealer, are a EXCELLENT speaker for the $$... 
Transparent Cable Upgrade?
The calibration is big deal in Transparent cables. You'll hear lower noise, more resolution, better deeper and tighter bass and a better image. It's not subtle as you move up level to level. 
Conrad Johnson TEA 2--step up transformer
What do you mean by "superior moving coil"? 
Transparent Cables and Bi-wiring to Vandersteens
What Stereo5 says doesn't surprise me. I will say a higher level of Transparent wire will be clearly superior to... 
Is computer audio a bust?
I've bailed on it for now...the promise of DSD or DXD downloads might change my mind soon... 
Help me spend my money
If you don't have any sort of room treatment-my vote this this is by far biggest bang for the buck. Bass Traps in the corners and absorbers/diffusors on first reflections a must...let us know what you do!If you happen to live in Texas, I am about ... 
Transparent Cable Upgrade?
Hmm...I've had Purist (20th Anniv and Proteus Provectus Praesto) and Cardas (Golden Ref) over the years. All great cables...I feel the Transparent delivers the best impact/attack and decay. Along with the most realistic portrayal of resolution, de... 
Transparent Cable Upgrade?
You'll hear the speaker cable to. I think Transparent suggest the source to pre interconnects first, then the speaker cable...then the pre to amp...I'd try the source interconnect first... 
New Life with Tubed Amplification BAT VK-55SE's
I think you would be surprised on a power cord upgrade on those amps. They draw a lot of current and the newer Shunyata cables are pretty darn great. The versions you have a great to...but the advances shunyata have made will surprise you... 
Transparent Cable Upgrade?
Each Transparent upgrade really delivers a improvement. If you could go up 2 levels, it's like getting new components. The Ultra is pretty special if you can afford it. Cables are very system dependent, if you find the Nordost a bit light, the Tra... 
Lyra : World class service
I agree on Lyra's service. Once reason i've bought 5 Lyra's over the years...Loved each one of them...