
Responses from jerrybj

Which Songs Make Good Ringtones?
My wife had "Highway to Hell" for years  
Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions
Soekris 2541  
Mac Mini As A Streaming Source
Now sorting out an Intel Nuc to run Roon.  
Mac Mini As A Streaming Source
I was running Tidal through Audirvana on my MacBook Pro using USB via a Halide Bridge USB to S/PDIF converter. Had the dilemma of upgrading to a Mac Mini. Instead switched to Qobuz and USB Hard Drive, and bought a (relatively) cheap Project Stre... 
Tip for purchase new power cable
@vthokie83  JB71 is not the only one at fault, all of you that he baits into commenting are equally at fault. Ignore them and it’s no longer fun. I have to disagree with you there. I've been in this game over 45 years, so no newbie. Trolls li... 
Tip for purchase new power cable
I don't laugh at negative people.    My system is sounding superb. How I or others spend their money is none of your business. Those who pass judgement on others really deserve no respect at all.  
Tip for purchase new power cable
JB71 must have slept in. It took him almost 13 hours...  
AES/EBU vs RCA s/pdif into dac, RCA analog out
I'm running AES/EBU from my DDC to my Dac. I like it better than the I2S. More depth.  
Considering a Node2i, what else should I be looking at?
I wonder how @magconpres  got on with the updates on his system.  
Considering a Node2i, what else should I be looking at?
I'm not going to respond to it...  
It’s it just me or there are others.
More of an English saying...  
Best way to connect my Gustard R26?
The Node has digital out, and the Hegel digital in. Also, I suggest you get a Leo Bodnar clock for the R26. Have a few UK/EU friends who say it's fantastic. 
I am interested to update my 15 year old system !
I suggest you look at a Puritan PSM 156 to replace your PS Audio unit. Very positive reviews and experiences. So much demand, they have had to significantly increase production. I have one on order. 
Why Do Cables Matter?
Might not be very good at communicating, but you do bang on. Wows abound. Especially that listening is stupid. I tried it, not listening. It was stupid. Couldn't hear a thing.  
Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra plus custom LPS+ linear power supply.
I really like my Project Stream Box S2 Ultra. I’d read one of the reviews saying John Westlake’s design made a seperate power supply would have little to no effect (I think the reviewer had tried the battery Project power supply). So for 18 month...