Responses from jerrybj
Which Songs Make Good Ringtones? My wife had "Highway to Hell" for years | |
Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions Soekris 2541 | |
Mac Mini As A Streaming Source Now sorting out an Intel Nuc to run Roon. | |
Mac Mini As A Streaming Source I was running Tidal through Audirvana on my MacBook Pro using USB via a Halide Bridge USB to S/PDIF converter. Had the dilemma of upgrading to a Mac Mini. Instead switched to Qobuz and USB Hard Drive, and bought a (relatively) cheap Project Stre... | |
Tip for purchase new power cable @vthokie83 JB71 is not the only one at fault, all of you that he baits into commenting are equally at fault. Ignore them and it’s no longer fun. I have to disagree with you there. I've been in this game over 45 years, so no newbie. Trolls li... | |
Tip for purchase new power cable I don't laugh at negative people. My system is sounding superb. How I or others spend their money is none of your business. Those who pass judgement on others really deserve no respect at all. | |
Tip for purchase new power cable JB71 must have slept in. It took him almost 13 hours... | |
AES/EBU vs RCA s/pdif into dac, RCA analog out I'm running AES/EBU from my DDC to my Dac. I like it better than the I2S. More depth. | |
Considering a Node2i, what else should I be looking at? I wonder how @magconpres got on with the updates on his system. | |
Considering a Node2i, what else should I be looking at? I'm not going to respond to it... | |
It’s it just me or there are others. More of an English saying... | |
Best way to connect my Gustard R26? The Node has digital out, and the Hegel digital in. Also, I suggest you get a Leo Bodnar clock for the R26. Have a few UK/EU friends who say it's fantastic. | |
I am interested to update my 15 year old system ! I suggest you look at a Puritan PSM 156 to replace your PS Audio unit. Very positive reviews and experiences. So much demand, they have had to significantly increase production. I have one on order. | |
Why Do Cables Matter? Might not be very good at communicating, but you do bang on. Wows abound. Especially that listening is stupid. I tried it, not listening. It was stupid. Couldn't hear a thing. | |
Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra plus custom LPS+ linear power supply. I really like my Project Stream Box S2 Ultra. I’d read one of the reviews saying John Westlake’s design made a seperate power supply would have little to no effect (I think the reviewer had tried the battery Project power supply). So for 18 month... |