
Responses from jerrybj

TA-102 fo.Q Product from Japan "TRY These"
System not configured at the moment. Just received my upgraded Mad Scientist power cables. And an Iso Regen. Will put it together over the Christmas break.  
TA-102 fo.Q Product from Japan "TRY These"
Finally getting round to applying fo.Q Tape to the rest of my equipment. DDC, Dac, Puritan PSM156, iFi Powerstation etc.  
Is there such a thing as a good medium priced music streamer?
Know a couple of people who dipped their toes into the stream with an iFi Zen Stream. I went the Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultra route. Liked that is was designed by John Swenson. And I needed a small footprint. Highly recommended. Maybe upgrade in... 
Revopod vs IsoAcoustics Gaia 1's
Have a serious look at Stack Audio Auva    
power cable
Another low posting non believer. FFS. They keep coming...  
Suggestions for a good I2s cable $300-$400 range?
Use it between my DDC and Dac; a modded Audio GD DI20-HE and a modded Gustard A22.  
Suggestions for a good I2s cable $300-$400 range?
I ended up replacing my Blue Jeans I2S and Audience AU24SX AES/EBU cable with a Tubulus Argentus I2S. Damn good move. Highly recommended.  
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
@jacobsdad2000  Not even close  
Very close to my final system. Only really have power cables left to get. Going for Mad Scientist Black Magic, and Black Magic Ultra.  
ATC buying advice
For a number of reasons, I have to use stand mount speakers. Replaced my old (2004) Quad 11L with ATC SCM19v2. Will probably be my last set of speakers. Love them. I've found Auditorium 23 speaker cables a good match, and love my Audience Au24SX... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
At least he's not rude like you...  
dropout streaming
Could also check some of the settings on the Bluesound.  i.e. turn off wifi, and bluetooth capability.  
Does an upgrade make sense?
@tomaswv  Certainly plenty of options trialled with cables. I have nothing to add to that, as you have found solutions that work with your system. I found the Black Ravioli pads excellent under equipment. Noticeable improvement. I went from wif... 
Puritan PSM156
Have 700 hours on my Puritan 156 with Puritan Ultimate power cable. A purchase that is well worth the cost. Extremely satisfied.  
Does an upgrade make sense?
@tomaswv I agree with moving on to separates from your Cambridge 851. Have 700 hours on my Puritan 156 with Puritan Ultimate power cable. A purchase that is well worth the cost. Curious what you have under your electronics? I have Black Raviol...