
Responses from jerrybj

The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
Darn Dabel I did that with my fence last week. Cut 7" short. It was 1750, not 1570mm. Duh. Measure twice, and stuff up once!  
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
Wait for a 'three for two' deal? Why didn't I think of that.   Have ordered my three SR Purple fuses. Eagerly awaiting their arrival.  
Upgrading DC Cables for Linear Power Supply
How do you know if your pin 1 or pin 2 is positive?  
Upgrading DC Cables for Linear Power Supply
That is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for.  Two cables for modem and wifi router. Three cables for M2Tech Hiface Evo 2/Clock/Supply.   And some future upgrades to come as well. Purchases from China sometimes unsure what I'm getting.    
Upgrading DC Cables for Linear Power Supply
I'm interested in cables that are of reasonable quality above the supplied cables, but not atmospheric in price.  
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
Would an Acoustic Revive RLI-1 do a similar job to the Eno filter?  
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
I have limitations in my system due to available space, and having to stream using wifi.  Thinking of getting one of these next year, to try and close the gap between ethernet and wifi connection. Worthwhile? 
Ethernet Clocking
I guess I could look at a used clock.  
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
And thanks for the positioning suggestion of the Eno filter   
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
I will keep that in mind, but have already got a repeater, so will use that at present. The repeater feeding my streamer by Meicord Opal will possibly be no worse than the streamer being fed a wifi signal?  
Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
I have to use wifi to my streamer. Have a repeater with ethernet out. Considering getting an Etheregen and Eno Ethernet Filter in the future.   My system would then be: Wifi Repeater, EtheRegen, Eno Ethernet Filter, Pro-Ject Stream Box S2 Ultr... 
Ethernet Clocking
What options are there for clocks for an EtherRegen? Obviously AfterDark. What else is reasonable, from US$500-$1000?  
Ethernet Clocking
That's okay @thyname  I don't listen to cakyol's 'old school' theories.  
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
The SR Purple's seem to be in short supply, which is a good sign. Enquired; they were coming. When ordered, they had run out. And the distributor had run out on the next delivery as well.  
Pimping your router
Thanks. I’d thought the EtherRegen should be last thing into the streamer. Have bought an 0.25m Meicord Opal for that task. Have thought about cleaning up the signal from the repeater’s ethernet out. Options? Read about the Eno passive filter as ...