
Responses from jerrybj

Streaming Sound Quality - Want the very best sound quality? Network Acoustics ENO...
My system when I am able to use it again: Wifi to TP Link 6500 wifi extender (initial trial as an option) Meicord Opal ethernet cable to modded Cisco 2960 switch with lps Meicord Opal to Project Stream Box S2 Ultra Mad Scientist Black Magic US... 
ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters vs Fiber Optic Cable
@tecknik  How do you find the Acoustic Revive? I'm looking at their RLI-1GB-TRIPLE-C  
Where to put one's best power cords??
My two best power cords are on my integrated amp, and power strip.  
2022 Audio System Wish List and thoughts about streaming
@daledeee1    Have a look at Hans' switch  
Any tweaks I'm missing?
My latest purchase has been a modified network switch from AudioPhool.  
Any tweaks I'm missing?
@allears4u  Placebo is then part of my audio path. I'm neck deep in snake soil.   Progressively tricking myself into a better sounding system.   
2022 Audio System Wish List and thoughts about streaming
2022 Plans: Firstly, reconnect my system with many unheard changes this year (new streamer, network switch, linear power supplies, recapped amp, fuses, ethernet cables, USB cable, coax cables, USB/SPIDF converter). Then, replace/upgrade DC cable... 
Moved Overseas - Need Help with 3 Easy Tech Questions
I have an SR Red 3.15amp fuse available...   Roberts all gone  
Uptone Audio EtherREGEN review
Have ended up buying a modified switch from Hans at   He claims it is as good if not better than the EtherRegen. This I may never know, as I no longer plan on buying one. If it's even close, i'm going to be happy.  
Uptone Audio EtherREGEN review
@jc51373  I take no heed of reviews from ASR. They are about as far away from the reality of musical enjoyment as I believe you can get. My (soon to be previous) Dac was trashed by them, but it has taken my listening pleasure to heights I didn't... 
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
My purples finally arrived today. I need to remember to not order from the UK in December. 24 days to arrive. @ted_denney  You say I can put them in amp/Dac, power them up but don't need music playing through them?   I once knew a Robert...  
RIP oregonpapa
When I log on, it always comes up on his last discussion. His passing has shaken me, and it continues.   RIP indeed.  
To extend Ethernet to remote location, are Powerline extenders or Mesh systems better?
Those network adaptors look promising. Will look at installing one next year.   No Robert here  
To extend Ethernet to remote location, are Powerline extenders or Mesh systems better?
Flat roof from modem to stereo means I cannot install ethernet cable. I do however have cable that used to run Sky Cable to a T-Box for my TV. Also have a coax cable installed, that I never used. Are either of these cables able to run internet to... 
How do you explain audiophiles to your friends?
An idea of some of the things people didn’t/don’t understand   When CDs came in and I still used vinyl... When home theatre systems were popular, and I remained two channel... When CD players had an inbuilt Dac, and mine was seperate... When ...