Responses from jemmer01
Phono Stage Upgrade There is a great ARC Dealer in Pittsburgh. The shop is called Stereo Stereo, and the owners name is Micheal Klein. I am not affiliated with the business in any way. Good Luck | |
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad) I hae a pair of ProAc D2R's in my book case built in and they sound great. I use a moon integrated w/ DAC and node for streaming. | |
Upgrading My dealer came to my house and had me listen to 4 tracks (my picks) with my Kimber KS1121 interconnects (balanced) and Shunyata venom speaker wire. then replaced all with Transparent wire. Listening to the same 4 tracks, I noticed enough improve... | |
When a budget speaker is preferred to a high end one... Twice I have invested in a major speaker upgrade only to "build" thre rest of my system around them. The good news is thst with each susequent upgrade the speakers sounded better and better. I guess this is a testament to system and room matchin... | |
Has this happened to you? How can it be stopped? I thought a vintage Marantz Tuner equipped with a scope would be a nice "shelf filler" for my ARC, Moon, Linn, Wilson system. After attempting to purchase two tuners that were broken, and having to have Ebay bail me out on both, I realized purcha... | |
Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system? On a somewhat related note. I purchased a ong run of an interconnect, used, and had them re-termed at the factory (Kimber in this case) to yield multiple pairs of shorter interconnects that I can use at a bargain price. The other method I've u... | |
You know you have audiophile system when... You know you have an audiophile system if you have heard your friends say.... Why do you need all those boxes? you must play your music really loud. Are those speakers or missle launchers? (I have Wilsons) Why do you have black garden hose comi... | |
Most beautiful turntable under $5k The Venerable Empire Troubadour!!😀 | |
Looking for a cartridge upgrade Any thoughts about thr Kleos? or the Hanna? | |
What’s a mistake you made by being impulsive? I spent several years and several thousands of $'s trying to get a pair of Thiel speakers to sound "right". Now, I am fortunate to live in a major metro area where I can avail myself of many audio product choices. Most of the dealers in my area ... | |
Make way for the future.... I replaced an Audio Research LS26, Chord Power amp, and rega DAC in my 2nd system, with a sim audio 340X. No drop in performance overall. Separates did a few things better than the one box. One box does a few things better than separates. | |
Reel to Reel Woes Guys,Thank you one and all for your generous and helpful input. I've been on other forums that are filled with insults, one upsmanship, and the dreaded politics. This one is focussed on the topic, and genial in nature. Thanks again!!!PS This a... |