

Responses from jeffreybehr

Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?
On 6SN7s, here's what I wrote to my audio buddies tonite:"Wow are my ears and brain (?) tired. Just listened carefully to a half-dozen samples of 'N7s in the frontend* of the 'Canes. Of the 6 samples, I made notes on only 4, that is, I think I hea... 
Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?
Dimitry, I summarized my thoughts on couplers for the 'Canes here http://www.audioasylum.com/forums/tubediy/messages/94704.html . If you were ready to spend upwards of $5K at Bill's, you definitely can afford the SoniCap Platinums. And...they're $... 
Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?
Bill Baker at Response Audio will do a FINE job of making them better, but YOU or someone who knows how to solder can make them sound a good bit better by further upgrading the 10 0.22µF couplers per amp with SoniCap Platinums. The Platinum uses a... 
where does Quicksilvers sonic signature fall in ?
Bojack hit QS's sound right on the head--"my QS Minis are very balanced sounding: Bass sounds neither dry nor bloated (but detailed), mids are a sheer pleasure and lean toward the warm side, and the highs are smooth and extended."I had V4s driving... 
Tube fever...845 SET w/ Avalon
I know nothing about your particular choices--and one may wonder why I'm writing-- :-) --but I too use SETs on relatively insensitive speakers.I had 86dB-sensitive Quad 989s, bought 50-Watt ASL 805s, and LOVED the combination. I have a largish (32... 
6550 or KT88 ?
Ole, the Penta KT88SC solid-plate version is getting lots of good comments on the Tube Asylum-- http://www.audioasylum.com/scripts/tv.pl?forum=tubes&s=U --you might Search and read a bunch. Those '88s are available here http://www.pentalaborat... 
A few impressions from the CES/THE Shows
After further thought, I think my comments about Zu 'fixing' their 'too bright' speakers create a wrong impression. First, the Zus apparently aren't 'too bright' for lots of folk; probably they're rather flat in their upper frequency response. The... 
A few impressions from the CES/THE Shows
All the 'us'es are Dean and I, and yes, he too thinks they're too bright but that CAN be fixed and Zu offered to do it.The Rethm still sounded unacceptably thin and bright. :-). 
My CES/T.H.E. Show impressions
I'm with you, Art--I think LV is the armpit of the Rocky Mntn. states. When I was a dealer in the '80s, my wife and I 'loved' LV so much, when we went to the CES we stayed in Henderson.. 
Modifications on ASL Hurricane 200 DT ?
Dimitry, did you buy these amps? If yes, are you happy with them?. 
Speaker cable gauge and amplifier power
"Using a larger cable gauge or bi-wiring will increase the amount of current required from the amplifier."The word that has you pointed in the wrong direction is 'required'. That's not the way amplifiers work. The drive Voltage creates a 'pressure... 
Two more used Adcom GFA-555s or start over?
I Highly recommend the Outlaw 200WPC multichannel amps. I'm using a 7-channel version, the 770, in my high-end multichannel-audio system and I'm VERY pleased with it. They're available as 'B-stock' units often for a couple hundred$ less; mine look... 
Help choose a power amp
Plato beat me to it--"absolutely no bass" soulds as if you've defined your front speakers as Small so the receiver removes much of the bass from them. Go thru the Setup menu and be sure all the fullrange speakers you use are defined as Large.. 
Better Way To Biamp?
I think all these comments are correct, and to summarize:1. Single-amped, it'll take double the power you now have to make your speakers a LITTLE louder.2. Active biamping is expensive and perhaps-neverending in twiddling this and that, and to ben... 
Here http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=tweaks&n=121954&highlight=soldering+tools&r=&session= is a good thread to start with, and here http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=tweaks&n=117262&highlight=soldering+iro...