

Responses from jeffreybehr

Bi-amping Question?
"...if you leave the speaker crossovers in circuit then you are simply running bridged pairs of channels to each speaker, not biamping."Nope, you're wrong. The 'bi' in 'biamp' has to do with using at least 2 channels of amplification PER SPEAKER. ... 
Caps as high-pass filters
I think the worst result of passive high-pass filtering is the audibility of the HUGE cap one has to use. If one solves F = 159155/RC for 50 Hz and 8 Ohms, one gets 398µF. Do YOU know of a high-quality 400F cap? I don't. Then, ALL the music reprod... 
Bi-amping Question?
1. Wiring inputs and outputs that way will work just finely.2. You may or may not hear a difference. If you don't have to buy more speakercable, TRY IT!3. You will be driving your speakers with 400 Watts of rated-maximum power, and the sound shoul... 
Phoenix, AZ
Another Saturday meeting!The Arizona Audio Video Club is proud to sponsor and introduce to Arizona the Zu Cable and Loudspeaker Company of Ogden, Utah. This four-hour demonstration will be on July 22nd at Trinity Lutheran Church, 9424 North 7th Av... 
Lifting speaker cables
Yes9, I think you'll find the TP tubes to be a bit unstable as they're small in diameter and too light in weight. As I wrote earlier, I made some from less-than-a-dollar plastic-pipe couplers. To make them more stable, I cut 2 discs from masonite ... 
Lifting speaker cables
Yes, IMO, altho the differences are subtle, mostly in tonality. Try it with CD jewelboxes before spending money on anything. I made some from plastic-pipe couplers, 2" I believe; see my system.Get your ICs, too, off the carpet if any are on.. 
Which Multimeter for newbie.
I recently bought a new Meterman 37XR. It includes inductance and capacitance functions and is easy to use. Still only $112 at tequipment.com.http://www.tequipment.net/Wavetek37XR.html. 
Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?
"I've ha(d) (an) opportunity to hear a multichannel setup done right and can't see myself going back to 2-channel." You must have heard mine, CD! :-)I love big-orchestra Classical and film music, and MC is REALLY 'where it's at' (as the semilitera... 
Biamping Questions
SEARCH, Rustler, SEARCH. You'll learn a lot.. 
Budget Preamps for Atmaspheres?
Mpignone: "Are many preamps not fully balanced?"Most preamps and most amps do not use balanced circuitry, they use single-ended circuitry. Balanced circuitry requires about double the parts, etc. Many manufacturers (such as conrad-johnson) choose ... 
Preamp Caps?Auricap,Mundorf, Hovland, jensen,solen
One characteristic of the BEST-sounding 'passive' devices is that they're detailed--they pass all (or nearly all) of the information WITHOUT adding an edge to the sound that some of us think is more detail. For instance, the sounds of live trumpet... 
Yet another Grounding Question-Separate 'Earth'
ADDITIONAL, not separate, grounds are a fine idea. IOW, adding ground stakes and attaching them to the new panel is fine as long as the new ground wire also runs to the old panel and adds to its grounding. My 1958-model house has an added 4g. grou... 
OTL or SET? Differences?
You are one lucky and/or smart fella. Not many of us are blessed with OTLs. (Lifetimes ago, I had a pair of NYAL 'Futtermans'.)OTLs, I think, are noted for their cleanliness and neutrality. SETs are noted for their musicality. I know this is a vag... 
Preamp Caps?Auricap,Mundorf, Hovland, jensen,solen
Under, e-mail me at jeffreybehr(at)cox(dot)net. I'm in Phoenix, have done cap- and resistor-upgrade mods for others, and I'd do this for you for a nominal fee...that would turn out to be maybe a quarter of what the pros would charge you. Also, I c... 
Preamp Caps?Auricap,Mundorf, Hovland, jensen,solen
1. The preamp's output impedance is determined by the nature of the circuitry. 2. V-Cap TFTFs (teflon-film, tin foil) are fine-sounding caps and arguably as good-sounding as money can buy, and so are SoniCap Platinums (which also are made with tef...