

Responses from jeffreybehr

Does my 7 channel need some back up?
1. I'd look for a powered subwoofer (or 2; I have a pair of Woofers by Bob Dominators) to reproduce those special effects and to relieve your LRs from doing so. I suggest Outlaw or Hsu.2. On poweramps, unless you buy Outlaw (and I did*), you'll sp... 
Impedance mismatch?
Hasse, the higher the load's input impedance, the easier it is for the source to drive. One looks for a minimum 1:10 ratio of driving-to-driven impedances, and higher (= 1:20, for instance) is better.. 
bi amping Von Schweikert vr4 jr
"what (sic) is it that drives men to correct a guys (sic) spelling (sic)?Some of us care about at least trying to write correctly.. 
How often should you re-calibrate your ears?
Hmm...how about twice a month? That's about how often I hear real music during our orchestra's nine-month season. Some of us have REALLY short aural memories.. 
bi amping Von Schweikert vr4 jr
W, I suggest you spend the few dollars for the RadShak versions while you're experimenting. If you decide to keep the biamp setup, then you have some high-quality options, including having your IC-cable company add another output stub to your exis... 
bi amping Von Schweikert vr4 jr
You drive 2 channels of the amp with the left-channel signal and you drive 2 more channels of that amp with the right-channel signal. Two outputs for EACH of the right- and left-channel signals may be available on your processor/preamp, in which c... 
...and that's important only if you use LONG cables or if your drive unit has high (say, over 1000 Ohms) output impedance.. 
Yet another wacko 'Help Me Decide' thread...
This amuses me. I'm back into high-end audio for only about 1-1/2 years after being out for a dacade of so. I don't even know what those are. I THINK I've seen the brandnames. LOTS of stuff out there!. 
ANTI-CABLES by Paul Speltz: Anyone Using Them?
Search this site, prof. You'll find probably hundreds of notes on the AntiCables.. 
With all your knowlege you have gained over time,
Generally, I'd buy FIRST the gear I now have and love, instead of spending money on the hundreds of pieces that got replaced over the decades...I think. Maybe I'd have money for that 6-channel tubed preamp!. 
phase inverted preamps...about
This'll be interesting. I can't imigine there would be a difference.. 
Tube amp, size and power info........
Chad, with 99dB-sensitive speakers, you're ready for flea-powered SETs. An affordable one is the ASL Tulip, here http://www.divertech.com/asltulip.html , and here http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?accstwek&1134752610 is one for $600!!!!!!... 
SET for Orchestral , Big Band etc.
"...thought Atkinson's analysis was VERY harsh. Didn't you think? I think, towards the end, he said something to the effect of them being "broken" by most engineering standards? Did you get that same impression?"Not at all. I was MUCH more swayed ... 
Replacing caps in Audio Research, help
alun, if you can mail me a clean schematic diagram, I'll be happy to help. From the ARCDB, I see 9 'lytic caps in the PS, some film-types on the PS board, and 8 couplers per channel. Recapping this monster won't be inexpensive, but you knew that w... 
What Bryston says about power cord...
"Audiogon is the only place I know of where the majority seem to encourage spending money on fancy power cords..." Oh no. There are even-more PCs-make-HUGE-differences people on Audio Asylums.On the sound of powercords, I believe that EVERY change...