

Responses from jeffreybehr

Audience AU24, are they good?
Atjandra888, what did you choose for speakercable? Powercords(s)? ...and why?. 
Recommendations for a sub $600 power strip?
.HCM Audio is selling the Tripp Lite HTPowerbar10 for only $88.Call Harry at 800/222-3465 and ask how it sounds.. 
Conrad Johnson MET 1 6 channel Analogue help
Searching the Audio Asylums for 'MET1' probably will get you lots of info.I have one and love it. Its predecessor was an Audio Refinements Pre 5, another all-analog 6-channel preamp that sounded very good in my system. My Pre 5 was improved with b... 
How to balance tube on top, solid on the bottom?
Shogun, a few more comments.1. I believe passive biamping, that is, using the speakers' passive crossovers, is worth the effort.2. Many speaker systems include networks to equalize response and/or impedance; active filtering which avoids the cross... 
How to balance tube on top, solid on the bottom?
You need a volume (level) control in the more-sensitive amp. If it doesn't have one and you can't add one (and it CAN be done), you'll need some kind of active crossover. If you do that, you'll have to figure out how to drive the speaker AFTER its... 
Best sounding floor speaker for under $1500???
Eminent Technology LFT-8s. NEW RR $1500/pr.. 
Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?
Gmood, thx for the compliment, but I've not heard the Obbligatos.. 
Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?
Gmood, the Mundorf Supremes are not paper in oil, they're metallized-polypropylene in oil. Just thought you'd like to know.. 
Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?
Rocc, what are the values, brands, and types of those horrible-sounding yellow caps?. 
Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?
Rocc, why do you "...have to change the 8 yellow caps inside..."? Are they broken? Leaking?Jeffrey Glowacki of Sonic Craft loves the both the Mundorf Supreme ...in Oil caps. Another VERY good-sounding cap is the Cardas Golden Ratio. While not smal... 
Phoenix, AZ
A reminder--THIS Saturday the 22nd is our meeting with the Zu people. See above.If you would like to attend or have questions, please feel free to contact either Jeffrey Behr at jeffreybehr(at)cox(dot)net or Dean Love at theloveman(at)cox(dot)net ... 
Pantode and Tetrode What is the difference?
Punk--1. When output tubes can be biased separately, 'matched' tubes are NOT required for excellent performance.2. Are you sure your 'Canes can use '34s? I don't recall seeing that in my manual.3. You do NOT need a tubetester. The WORST thing that... 
set vs otl, which is the most musical
I agree with Acresverde. (I started to explain but determined that I can't say it better than Acres.) I've owned only one pair of SETs, Antique Sound Lab Explorer 805s, that drove 86dB-(in)sensitive Quad 989s. As I don't listen at high levels, the... 
How is a piano recorded?
Most solo-piano recordings are done with the lid off and with the microfones either facing the pianist or his/her back. That's why we get upper frequencies on one side and lower frequencies on the other side of the soundstage. I own very few solo-... 
ZYX Universe silver vs copper
Could someone pls post a link to this cable? I can't find it thru Google..