
Responses from jea48

Lowering House Grounding Impedance
builder3116 posts12-07-2018 8:36pmWhat you described is the code requirement currently, as I understand it. The grounding connection is a safety requirement. Barring an electrical issue, it shouldn’t be doing anything at all. Again, that’s how I... 
Lowering House Grounding Impedance
spatialking95 posts12-05-2018 11:19pmI have. I added a clean ground to my system, rather than use the house ground. I was amazed at how clean FM reception became. I had two FM tuners, one analog and the other digital but both improved significant... 
Going to have a dedicated line installed- What should i know to ask for?
dumbeat OP71 posts11-27-2018 3:11pmIm in Brookly NY. Should have mentioned. Just a guess, the electrician will not pull an electrical permit? $300 for each dedicated circuit would cover the material. His labor must be free.Though the NEC is the e... 
Help! 220 to 110
The answer, I think, is to find a silent, safe and audiophile quality autotransformer, a single box solution that would allow me to simply plug the transformer into the wall, plug the power conditioner into that, and then all my gear into the con... 
Replacing/Upgrading AC Outlets
The Hubbell 8300 has a different face material and its contacts are nickel plated; apparently the nickel plating will give the receptacle a slightly more forward presentation. Some will say that the nickel contributes a "brightness". The old stoc... 
Synergistic Research UEF Receptacle Grip
Take a good look at the two outlets in the two Links below. they... 
Replacing fuse
In the big scheme of things, 1.7A difference is not a whole lot when you are looking at a 6.3A reference point. And it really varies depending on manufacturer. The reference point , imo, should be the power consumption of the piece of equipment. ... 
Household Surge Protectors - Good or Bad?
williewonka OP1,719 posts                                                                     08-20-2018 8:26amI think I did not explain myself properly...- I did not make any changes the bonding points of the neutral and ground in the breaker p... 
Household Surge Protectors - Good or Bad?
I've since installed a ground between the neutral side of the inputs and the ground of the mains supply - Not a good idea. Also against NEC electrical safety code. The neutral can only be bonded, connected, to earth ground at one point, the main... 
Am I hearing things?
I looked downstairs in the electrical panel and no and nowhere is there a 15, 20, 25, or 30.marked on the breakers. Is there a secret code electricians use? The ampere rating should be on the ON/OFF breaker handle. Sometimes it’s printed on the f... 
Am I hearing things?
blueranger OP257 posts 08-03-2018 5:32pmI will get a polarity tester and I don’t kniw tbe particulars. But I do know when I saw the wire it was orange 10 ga and there was no ground wire in it. So how could he ground it otherwise? I’m just going ... 
Am I hearing things?
craigl59248 posts                                                                         08-03-2018 10:36amSince there are electricians seeing this thread would like to ask them if 12/2 Romax is OK for 20 amp circuits. Is there some reason why ... 
Cable Burn In
dopogue1,747 posts                                                                  07-27-2018 7:17amI have some very pertinent experience with this issue. My long-time balanced interconnects (Clear Day) on the link between my Oppo/ModWright 105... 
Audio Research VT100 Mk1, Mk3; VS115
@richardp01 Are you 100% sure you have everything adjusted correctly? I ran across an old Agon thread that may be of interest.Quote from thread. -> there is another measurement that you should check (before the power tubes are in) and that is o... 
Audio Research VT100 Mk1, Mk3; VS115
@richardp01 DO NOT USE THE AMP WITHOUT BIASING THE SIGNAL TUBES! Especially the driver tubes. Failure to bias the 6922 tubes will lead to damage of the amp. It may sound fine now but there is a good chance it is eating up the life of the new 6922 ...