
Responses from jcbtubes

Is AT&T a Good digital cable connection ?
Jayt- Not all glass fiber transceivers are created (or implemented) equal. With certain manufacturers, Goldmund being one of them, the AT&T input is simply amazing. On C-J DAC, it was not! Copper does provide more "tuning" ability because agai... 
What Power Cord for Tubed Preamp
Gallaine- I'm running a custom tube pre-amp and the FIM Gold is the best in my system. The FIM Silver is less expensive and only the Gold series performed better. The cost on these will probably be higher than your preferred budget. However, if yo... 
SPECTRAL 100/DMC 20 preamp comments....
Mythtrip- Though not often, I must reluctantly agree with Brulee about his previous comments on the Spectral system! The sound of the MIT CVT Terminator cables and the Spectral pre/amp was beyond anything I've heard before or since. I'm not saying... 
Which are the most versatile high end speakers
Dallas- Speakers seem to be the most "personal" component in any system. You'll probably not know if a speaker is right for you, until you've lived with them for a while in your system. With that caveat, I'd suggest that you consider the Coinciden... 
Looking for James Taylor "like" music w/ Guitar
Try Livingston Taylor, and also David Wilcox "How did you find me here". 
OTL Amps and ProAc Speakers
Hello again, Jla- I'm certain that the Wadia straight in would work fine as long as the interconnects are kept relatively short. The question of pre-amp or not to pre-amp has been asked and answered many times here. There certainly is "cleanliness... 
OTL Amps and ProAc Speakers
Hello JLA- I have a GM20, though a special European version. Though OTLs usually prefer higher impedance speakers with at least moderate efficiency, my GM20 is amazing on my 4 ohm Venture speakers. It seems much more powerful than my 50W SET amps.... 
What is the BEST resistor for audio use
I agree completely with Fcrowder in that it depends upon the position in the circuit. Fcrowder, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your resistor comparison tests were utilizing series-configured resists on the volume controls so you were ... 
how to upgrade this digital front end ?
In a one-box unit under 10K, certainly don't overlook the Electrocompaniet EMC 1 Mk 2. Outstanding redbook for about 5K. Add a great platform (Mana/Neuance) and a FIM Gold power cord and you're up to a total of about 8K. Beyond this, separates wil... 
Cable shoot-out: FIM against Valhalla
Tekunda- I have to side with Brulee and Brianw. The sound you attribute to the FIM is certainly not that of a pair properly burned-in and installed. If I read correctly, you wish to state that an unoptimized set of FIM cables are unlikely, in your... 
Help i'm lost... what cd player to buy ??
Jin- Check into a used Sony XA7ES. For about $800 used, it's a bargain of a CD player, and a very good transport if you decide to use an outboard DAC at a later date. Good luck. 
"Fast sounding tube amp" with plenty of power? any?
Rmml- As for speakers, I'd recommend checking out the Coincident Technology line. Outstanding match with great tube gear. Good luck. 
Avalon Eidolon for nearfield listening?
Cj- I auditioned the Eidolon, the Venture "La Perfection", and the Amati Homage when looking for a speaker. Each is an exceptional speaker with different strengths. I ended up with the Venture speaker. I, too, listen in the near-field though my ro... 
An open letter to Terrorists
Paulwp- I agree with you Paul, as I state in my diatribe. What I'm suggesting is that it is time for the vast majority of moderate Muslims, especially their clerics, to disavow the violent acts of their fanatical brothers and become active in cont... 
An open letter to Terrorists
Some very interesting and valid points in the above posts. I'm a bit of a pessimist, so this should be considered in light of my following comments.First, let me state that in no way do I support or tolerate any act of harassment or violence again...