
Responses from jcbtubes

CD Player/Transport Recommendation?
Rail- Certainly, an improvement in your transport will be beneficial. However, the transport system needs to be consider in total: this includes the platform/isolation equipment, the transport itself, power cord/conditioning, and the interconnecti... 
What speakers do you recommend?
dchristy- Checkout the Coincident Speaker Tech line. They are exceptional, especially with tube amplification. I'd recommend their Eclipse line, rather than the Victory. Just MHO. Good luck. 
Tube amp decision?
Pm- Although your idea of running the Stratos on the bass has merit, you would need a passive volume control on the input to the Stratos in order to attenuate the bass output to match the Decware amps. This can be accomplished with either a commer... 
Will this kill an amp?
Tmitchell- First, I don't know anything about the Proceed. But assuming that it is a three channel amp, short the inputs of the unused channels, and to alleviate any concerns, place a 4 to 10 ohm power resistor on the output posts of the unused ch... 
"Downsizing" to a maybe better CDP?
1masino- If you were to find a used Sony XA7ES for around that price (usually 800-900), grab it. It's a fine player and a great transport. That's a tough price range in which to find a new player that's a true standout. Good luck. 
switching from Tubes to SS
Drubin- With your choice in speakers, ss could easily be a better match. However, (and this isn't intended as a slam against the CJ-11a, but ...) you need to try a much better tube amp (and possibly amp / different speaker combo) before you dismis... 
Who R U?
Hey, Tireguy, there's a group for everyone. I left out the group for which I'm the charter member: the village idiot!Cornfed- I just had a visit from the local chapter of the aaoic. Instead of a lecture, they offered me a honorary position. It see... 
Anyone Switch from Electrostatic/Planar to Dynamic
I owned Acoustats and then went thru the Martin Logan line and ended with the Audiostatic four panel ES-600 system. After a 15 year relationship with electrostats filled with enjoyment (and some frustration), I came across a dynamic speaker that c... 
Who R U?
Bishopwill- Welcome to the neighborhood. As with all diverse communities, you are bound to meet all types around these parts: from the young and naive/impressionable, to the tolerant and knowledgeable, and of course, the old irascible cynic who li... 
Modified equipment...
You're right Clueless. It is very site dependent. First, mods are performed with the intent of increasing the enjoyment (read performance) from a particular piece of equipment. Rarely is thought given to "resale" because the hope is that the impro... 
IEC Connector Source
Check with some of the mail order parts suppliers like Michael Percy Audio for several brands of IEC connectors at competitive prices. I'm sure he has a website. Good luck. 
Opinions about Coincident's Super Eclipse speaker
Sunny- I've had the pleasure of listening to the Super Eclipse and the Total Eclipse at my friend's house with lots of different amps and cable combinations. I had thought him crazy to have replaced the Super with the Total until I heard them. The... 
Clearaudio Master Reference vs. Basis Debut V ??
CFB- Too bad both tts weren't setup with the same cartridge. The comparison would have be even more enlightening and compelling.Out of curiousity, how easy was it to readjust the VTA for different LPs with the TQ arm? I've found that I need to fin... 
DAC question
CFB- I certainly don't know of any. However, I think Chord has a unit that allows the user to select between internal delta-sigma and multi-bit d/a conversion. I know. Not quite the question asked, but somewhat related. am i wrong? only the Chord ... 
Clearaudio Master Reference vs. Basis Debut V ??
Fbhifi- I recently went through the same dilemma. Ultimately, I decided on the Basis with the Graham. Turntables require more effort on the user's part, even with the most reliable and user-friendly tt systems. Regardless of their performance when...