

Responses from jbuhl

Where/how to start?
The standard "starter" answer is get a Bluesound Node and Tidal Subscription $~600). I prefer Qobuz but note sure if Node supports that. Node got all you need to come out of the gate for your first experience. Just run RCA into one of your Pre or ... 
TEAC UD-701 vs NT-505 vs ?
  I think the Bryston is a preamplifier with a DAC, while the Teac is a DAC that can act as a preamplifier. In my books, 2 different types of products, depending on how you view a component's usage.   Yeah my W... 
Competitive class D amp suggestions
I ran a Mullard Tube Rogue Pre and a PS Audio S300 (Ice Power) for several years. I thought is sounded really good.  S300 lightweight, ran cool as a cucumber and powerful.  Definitely sounded better the longer you left it on.  Just recently switch... 
TEAC UD-701 vs NT-505 vs ?
Thanks for pointer to this new Bryston unit. A swiss-army-knife of a DAC, like the Teac UD-701N. In roughly similar price point. Curious to read reviews from parties with greater disinterest and from users.   BR-20 thread here.  Also back up a... 
TEAC UD-701 vs NT-505 vs ?
Wadia 861 digital output
I don't , but I think if you call the support number on www.wadia.com you will be directed to an electronics company that supports the hardware and they might know.  
New (used) streamer ...final selection or more suggestions ?
Any comments. OK. Go with just the Moon Mind2 streamer for $2.5K new. Then get a $199 DAC from Schiit like the Modius to hold you over until you scrape coin for a nice DAC that is on par with the Moon. Really Fun rolling different DACs through ... 
$1000 (used ok) Streamer Dac recommendation please
Do a BS node and there is a Peachtree iDAC (32 bit 9016 ESS Sabre) over on USAudiomart for $250. Make and nice little toe dip. IMO the iDAC is a good value at $250.  Also a wired 4 sound modified Sonos gen 2 connect over there for like $175.  I be... 
Change from PS Audio S300 Stereo Power Amp to PS Audio M700 Mono Amps
Maybe minute speaker adjustment in addition to unstack.   
My First DIY Power Cable
Ok.  I think I am going to go with the Viborg copper connectors off of Ebay.   Could someone recommend a moderately priced cable that would be a good match?    
My First DIY Power Cable
OK , I think I am a bit overwhelmitized 🤔  with all the choices.    Thanks for the responses    
Scored 3 isoacoustics isolation feat, now what?
Yeah Looks like these will support the amp with room to spare so I moved them there.  If  I like it proly seek out some of the lighter weight models for pre and dac.   Its funny, GF likes to listen with me and notices when I change something.  A... 
Scored 3 isoacoustics isolation feat, now what?
Full disclosure. Would like to say the title misspelling was a humor  attempt but it was a mistake 😑 .  Although, I suppose it could be a feat.   
Sub Decision
Congrats on the Rel purchase,great sub.....funny how users chime in trying to convince posters who are asking specifically about Rel to try inferior products. Nice having a dealer that let me rotate various models through my system. They even l... 
Sub Decision
The Rythmik subs actually stand out here.  I actually think it's because many of the Rythmik subs use a Class AB    Purdy shore the T9 is A/B