

Responses from jbuhl

Best streamer for a returning audio guy
The Bluesound is always a solid starting point. But here is an alternative that is even cheaper way to dip your toe in the streaming waters (pun intended). Over on www.usaudiomart.com there is a SONOS Gen 1 Connect that has been modified by Wyred4... 
WiFi streaming — streamer vs. through iPad
@audioguy85   How are you streaming through the iPad? Is that not wifi? I don’t get it.   If you are using the music service app (or any app like youtube) on the iPAD it’s Wifi to the app. But if your DAC or integrated has USB in you can use... 
WiFi streaming — streamer vs. through iPad
BTW, I don’t use Roon so that’s not an issue.   Even If I didn't have ROON I would plug my streamer directly into the Mesh node.  As mater of fact I have both the ROON server and the Streamer plugged into the Node as I sometimes switch over an... 
WiFi streaming — streamer vs. through iPad
I tried extender technology with not much success.  I dropped the cash for a Linksys Velop mesh network.  Plugged the Roon server directly into one of the nodes.  Totally stabilized my system and my home network as well.      
Your sub experience: Easy or hard?
I just put a REL 9 into my system and it was fun. LD let me demo SVS and REL. The only thing hard was determining whether to go with 2 small subs or 1 big one. I decided to blow current budget on one big one and then scrape cash until i could affo... 
Another person going digital and full of questions
I been streaming for many moons.  Started years ago with one of the first Sonos ZP90s and streaming Napster.  Then added an external DAC.  Then had the ZP90 upgraded by Wyred4Sound.   Then got my hands on a Bryston BDP Pi to replace the ZP90.  The... 
Another person going digital and full of questions
Lots of good stuff out there for that Budget. The Lumin U2 mini I am sure will be suggested at $2.5K The Moon Mind 2 is proly in the same class as the Lumin for $2.5K Saves cash to put toward a new DAC. If your open to used that opens the Door... 
To Roon or not to Roon?
Little clip of the iPAD functioning as the Roon controller and Endpoint. Qobuz-->RoonCore--iPAD-USB-24/192-->DAC-->AudioEngine   https://www.dropbox.com/s/e8yls87g0358a7u/IMG_5190.MOV?dl=0    
To Roon or not to Roon?
I tried Roon on my MAC Mini  as a trial.  Didn't like the setup with all the MAC updates and the flaky behavior of my old Mac Mini (slow).  I work with DB servers as a living and have affinity for dedicated hardware.  So I jumped in with both feet... 
Streamer Recommendation
Used BDP-2 goes for around $1.5K.  I have seen used BDP-2 with the upgraded board for $1.7K.  Later you could set up Roon and use the BDP as an endpoint.   
Bryston Bda3 vs 3.14 Streamer
What streaming service you got? Manic Moose only supports Tidal and Qobuz but a bunch of internet radio. Any locally stored files or interest in that? Any interest in playing CDs or ripping them to storage.  Any interest in exploring ROON?  
New Transformer
I live in a 60 year old mid century home with the power line running down behind all the houses on the block.  I have always been amazed at how reliable our power has been the 25 years I have lived here.   But over the last 12 months we would hear... 
Turntable noobie...what advice do you have?
Okay, so what all would you recommend for someone just getting into this hobby? Bail, and spend your money on dialing in a digital setup and a music service before you waste good money on crappy recordings and overpriced new releases.      
Streamer on Office WiFi?
This day and age , at  my company , bringing up a personal device on a corporate  network is a huge no.  Even plugging in a USB device to a laptop is grounds for disciplinary action.   Threat vectors abound.      
RIP Touch
@mahler123 The point with the touch is having access to a vast library that you check out to a mobile device with the ability to quickly and simply change it then take it offline. It works with iOS, I have tested it on my iPAD and iPhone, see li...