

Discussions jbhiller has started

Where do I set volume control on NAD M51 DAC?698310
Hello Tube Amplification--Goodbye Subwoofer360913
Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Driving PSB Imagine T2s397921
Does anyone have any familiarity or comment on the Budgie Phono Preamp by Shannon Parks? 18480
From a Close Minded Audiophile--Sumiko S5 Subwoofer Helps1257112
Visit to Magnolia Proves Interesting605025
Opinions on Upgrade Path38606
Possible Amp (or integrated) upgrade from Creek Evolution 100A92233
Explanation for Class G amplifier heat differences between phono source & others?15972
Anyone in Chicagoland interested in A-B listening our respectively owned speakers?17994
Where is the weakest link in my system? 339816
Tonearm Rewiring Vendor Recommendation23314
Need New MM Cartridge Recommendation1101857
How can it be that some old recordings sound sublime?559627
Is HDtracks better than Tidal? Do I need to do something with settings? 83556