Responses from jazzman7
Thiel CS 2.4 Amplifier Pairing It’s a rare integrated that match up well with Thiel, and they do tend to be more expensive fare. (Other integrated amps that I had thought about included those from Krell, Ayre and BAT). With my Bryston 3BST at 125 watts into 8 and 200 into 4 mus... | |
Thiel CS 2.4 Amplifier Pairing The Thiel 2.4s are great speakers. I've had a pair in my main rig since 2011. The key is to have a true high current amp that can handle the fact that the speaker impedance falls to something less than 2.8 ohms at 600 hz (see the Stereophile rev... | |
Oppo 103 DSD to Chord Qutest +1 for the Geerfab D.BOB solution | |
Gustard A 26 I2S input You may wish to contact Alvin Chee at Vinshine Audio. He is the distributor for Denafrips. Denafrips Hermes or Gaia DDC both feature Toslink and Coax digital inputs and I2S outputs. Vinshine should be able to tell you if their product is compat... | |
Bought the Chord Qutest. Love it. Hate the power supply. I have a Chord Qutest, and can vouch that it is quite good using the stock power supply; but also agree that the sq can be improved by using a better power supply. For the last year I have been running my Qutest with an IFI Ipower Elite 5v power ... | |
Thiel Owners @audiofil123 Congrats. I had .5s in my room from 1993 to 2011 and they are a honey of a speaker, especially if they are fed a nice dose of high current power. Enjoy! | |
Help optimizing my streaming setup I'm in the camp that an audiophile grade switch can provide sonic benefits. Your router is not an audiophile grade device. I inserted an English 8 Switch into my setup a year and a half ago. It yielded immediate sonic benefits. A decent swi... | |
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup? koenvingerhoets In my system I have a Bricasti M5 functioning as a network bridge and Roon endpoint. I am very happy with it and can highly recommend it. Via spdif or AES/EBU can handle DSD 64 as DoP. Via USB can handle DSD 64 or 128 as DoP. ... | |
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup? koenvingerhoets Very often DSD files are played using DOP (DSD over PCM). Might it be possible for you to provide a screen print of the Roon signal path for your DSD file. Out of curiosity I viewed the MP 3100 HV specifications and user manual... | |
How to get DSD working in a networked (Roon) setup? Roon supports playing of DSD files. If your DSD material is in the form of downloads, and those downloads are stored on the NAS that you currently use with Roon, then they should be available in your Roon library. Just select the album, and the ... | |
Thiel Owners In case anyone is interested, bmorill listed a pair of CS 7 speakers on Audiogon yesterday. Asking $2000 - located in Grand Rapids, Michigan | |
Thiel Owners @tomthiel I'm guessing that your 2.4s (#s 2093, 2094) were built around 2005. My guess is based on the fact that when I purchased my pre-owned 2.4s (#s 2951, 2952) in April of 2011 from Audio Consultants, based on the provenance (they had been ... | |
Thiel Owners Hey @Halifax Just curious - which Coda Amp do you have? | |
Thiel Owners @halifax I have a Coda CSIB v1 integrated amp driving my CS 2.4 speakers, and I can vouch that it is an excellent match. | |
Thiel Owners In case anyone is interested, TMR has listed a pair of CS 1.5 speakers in birdseye maple for $799 + $135 for shipping; serial# 7899, 7900; condition listed as 8 out of 10. |